Durban Street And Beyond
We always have too little time, fortunately “busy” people always have time and I had to make time. Xenophobia is a new word on our tongues and is wrecking havoc in our country. I can’t make political statements but I’m saddened by the hatred that’s mushrooming everywhere. A cancer which will destroy the hater that’s for sure.
Xenophobia - zɛnəˈfəʊbɪə -noun- dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. "racism and xenophobia are steadily growing in Europe" synonyms:racism, racialism, racial hatred, ethnocentrism, ethnocentricity; nationalism, jingoism, isolationism; prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, bias; historical apartheid; rare xenophoby. "there must be no room for xenophobia in today's Europe"
I took a very short walk through town this morning and photographed three immigrants who’ve made South Africa their home, bright, enthusiastic, educated, well-mannered and hard working ladies and gentlemen. Just like all of us the ladies were shy, thought they weren’t pretty enough, but were eager to please and smiled when I told them age creeps up faster than we think and they must enjoy their youthful beauty which radiates from their eyes.
Gentlemen rarely find it easy to refuse a lady and Zimbabweans are always eager to chat, share stories and tell you where they’re from especially if you’ve visited that country yourself.
I found it amusing and ironic how we ask the Lord to bless everyone profusely on the one hand but can’t find it in our own hearts to do so.
It is time to STOP and take stock of ourselves. What do we say about ourselves to the people passing through our country?
When I specifically target someone to photograph in the street I always ask permission and usually end up having long chats, we’re social animals after all. When it’s just general street photography I don’t. When time isn’t of the essence I like to become inconspicuous so that passersby don’t feel threatened or intimidated. I also set my camera up before hand so that I can shoot quickly.
“[Kumalo] went out of the door, and she watched him through the little window, walking slowly to the door of the church. Then she sat down at his table, and put her head on it, and was silent, with the patient suffering of black women, with the suffering of oxen, with the suffering of any that are mute” Cry the beloved country – Alan Paton
On a lighter note I've just read this: "It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realise that there is a way to solve a problem without using violence"! Confucious. I rest my case.
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