Fernkloof Farmers Market

One would think weekends would be ideal for a project such as mine, loads of time, relaxed, good photographic opportunities etc,. Today it's not for me, we’re just too busy and I’m in the mood for a lazy morning lolling around in my PJ's, a fragrant steamy coffee in bed with my book. Lifting my camera up, checking the batteries and memory card, that's just too much like hard work sometimes.

“Behold the hands, how they promise, conjure, appeal, menace, pray, supplicate, refuse, beckon, interrogate, admire, confess, cringe, instruct, command, mock and what not besides, with a variation and multiplication of variation which makes the tongue envious.”

We’ve got a luncheon appointment and I can’t think of anything else to photograph or document today so I’ll just do a photographic walk. My companions aren’t photographers but they’re excellent browsers, so while I click away they’ll mince around the stalls at the market, admiring and filling their shopping baskets while I admire with my lens.

It’s a four seasons in one hour sort of day, which might be interesting. The slight mist becomes a drizzle which turns into a little downpour, even if it’s short and sharp it turns my hairdo into a frizz.

“I tend to think of the act of photographing, generally speaking, as an adventure. My favorite thing is to go where I’ve never been.” ― Diane Arbus

It’s with fear and trepidation that I listen and answer when someone asks me about my Blog, but on Thursday evening a friend said he enjoys my daily postings for the simple reason that I show him that ordinary things can be beautiful too and it’s not always necessary to go out looking for something fantastic. So I can say Mission Accomplished! Thank you Chris!

You and your camera capturing the flicker of an eyelid, the beating of a wing, a droplet of water, a heartbeat, a smile, precious moments that vanish before you even realise they existed
Colour, Composition, light, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, flash, focus, lens, SLR, digital, film, fisheye, positive, negative, none of these matter as much as the moment the memory now preserved for a lifetime.”
(Words and design thesmilecollective.com.au)

At last I’m home, I did have a good day, I enjoyed the people, places and plates I saw and captured.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, even simple recycled plastic bottles in the hands of someone who respects, loves and appreciates nature and art will become a thing of beauty.