Pooling Resources Right On Cue

Today was a highlight, who would’ve thought the South African Pool Championships is being held here, of all places, and has been so for a number of years. I almost lost my nerve, but I manned up, grabbed my camera and headed for the Pietman Hugo Hall at the Showgrounds. I was going cold Turkey and didn’t know what to expect.

Yesterday I noticed hundreds of cars and a few large busses parked in the parking area but honestly thought it was a Police Con (excuse the pun; it’s the new word for Convention). Last night I was told by a friend who owns a Guesthouse in town that the Pool Champs were being held in town and she was chock-a-block.

Three huge display halls the size of rugby fields are decked out with Pool tables and lights. The walls are lined with men and women waiting to play. Teams from all our Provinces are represented and the atmosphere is electric and very “pub-like”. Camaraderie, team spirit and competiveness is the order of the day. A lot of showmanship goes with the game too, I believe our champ will be wearing his Tuxedo tomorrow.. I might just be there.

“A pool game mixes ritual with geometry.” ― Mary Karr, The Liars' Club

The reigning South African champ, from the Western Cape, was on top form “tickling” those balls one after the other into the pockets.

I enjoyed informative chats to a few chaps, who eagerly told me all about the game, as the only time I ever “played” pool was very late at night and all I could do was lie across the table seductively!

These are not your everyday Pool players; they’re serious about the game, all amateurs too. Now I know why the Eastern Cape is in dire straits, everybody’s playing pool it seems. As with every game there are some characters who draw one’s eye, the fascinating ones.

Sadly, this year will be last time Worcester hosts this tournament as the conditions of the halls have deteriorated to such an extent that the organisers have found another venue. What a pity.

I include a lot more photographs today as I promised I’d put up as many as I could. The conditions were quite trying as I had to up my ISO to 3200, to stop as much blurring as possible. I don’t shoot using a flash so the artificial light was something to contend with too. I set my White Balance to “Bulb” and adjusted in Camera Raw.

So boys here’s a reminder “Squat the rock after the break (i.e., leave the CB in the center of the table to have the most options after the break).” And “Draw for show, follow for dough.”

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