Romancing the Mill Stone - Sandra's Easy Stone Ground Whole Wheat Bread

Here is a divine vegan whole wheat loaf. Please ensure you use Stone Ground Wheat which contains no additives, unhealthy preservatives, sugar or is so refined it resembles something one can make lines with and sniff. If you’re wheat/gluten intolerant give this recipe a try, I am and I haven’t had a moment’s discomfort. Sandra is an excellent cook and I am always delighted when she shares a recipe with me. So here goes. This bread recipe and ingredients will be the very first things we pack when going on a road trip. It’s so easy and very versatile.

Switch the oven on to a low temperature I turned my oven on to 100֠C
In a large mixing bowl:
In a jug mix:
Add the liquids to the dry ingredients and mix well using a wooden spoon. (I used my Kenwood Chef with the dough hook, but it’s really not necessary as the mixture is very pliable).
Once all the flour has been incorporated spoon the mixture into the tins
Place the bread into the warm oven and leave to prove for about 15-20 minutes until nicely risen
Do not remove the bread but turn the heat up to 180֠C and bake for 20-25 minutes for small loaves and 30-40 minutes for a larger single loaf. The bread should have a hollow sound if it’s tapped on the crust. Remove from the pan, peel off the paper return to the oven for 5 minutes to crisp the sides and bottom.
Cool on a cooling rack.
I bought Eureka Mills Stone Ground Flour as well as Gideon Milling's flour. Checkers and Pick 'n Pay should stock it. I've found beautiful flours in health shops, farm stalls (especially in wheat growing regions) and Farmer's markets. Do support farmers who grow organic crops and millers who still use mill stones! Sliced bread keeps well in the deep freezer and toasts well, but do so twice.

While I waited for my bread to bake I used 4 x 250ml frozen canisters of cream, defrosted them in cold water, to make a pound of butter and then used the buttermilk to make a pancake mixture, which we used today. Delicious. Killing two birds with one stone is a job well done.

Supper was a wholesome barley and vegetable soup, whole wheat bread and homemade butter. What could be nicer?

Thank you Sandra for inspiring me to bake your easy bread. Take a minute to watch the video, it'll give you a clue as to how to go about making your own bread.
Bon Appetito Amigo