Autumn Happens In April

“Aprils have never meant much to me, autumns seem that season of beginning, spring.” ― Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany's I wish there were 36 hours in a day, then I might go to bed at night with a sigh and know I’ve done everything I had on my list.

Someone’s untitled photograph was accepted and chosen as the photograph of the day on 500px which is no easy feat, I liked it and tried replicating it, and it’s the one using a slotted spoon, filled with liquid soap, photographed as the liquid drops, runs or drips. After many photographs and half a bottle of Radox Herbal Bubble bath this is what I managed to capture. Try it sometime.
My spirit needed some attention today so I whisked myself off to have a pedicure; the Spa is situated on a beautiful farm surrounded by our unforgettable blue mountains. The autumn colours are irresistible I share them today. In the spirit of keeping my eyes on my feet I include “The Pedicure”, the ultraviolet light, lime green towel and splash of mauve polish look just right to me!

With a little tweaking in Photoshop I learned how to change colours using a very simple method. I turned the orange leaves fuchsia, it's a tad bright, but the more I look at it the more it appeals to me, I think the initial colours were very saturated. I’ll give it another go some time. I might even try one of the other shots I took. Experimenting with filters is something I need to investigate and try. I needn’t be a realist all the time.

Oh dear Eskom has done another dirty on me, there’s load shedding going on. Tomorrow I’m heading to De Doorns to see whether the vineyards have changed colour, always a spectacular sight.
“For that is the power of the camera: seize the familiar and give it new meanings, a special significance by the mark of a personality.” – Alfred Stieglitz