Between The Covers it's Man up or Clam up

We need confidence and courage to grab an opportunity and run with it, to persevere and not lose faith takes guts.“A ship is always safe at the shore; but that is NOT what it is built for. Right ― Albert Einstein.
People are fascinating and if you’re a little more aware and have an inquisitive streak in you you’ll meet the most unexpected people doing fabulous things. These are the souls who inspire and ignite passions in us and ultimately encourage wimps like me to also “give it a go”! The older I get the more I realise that being passionate equals success.

There are unlikely people in unlikely places, in Tofo someone with waist length dreadlocks might’ve climbed Everest solo or kayaked the Amazon River. I met an Italian farmer who makes fins (those things that fit into surf boards) and features in Surfing magazines. An architect who has grand designs floated on a board waiting for a wave. A paediatrician specialising in some rare children’s disease flip-flopped past our house every day in a bikini to buy eggs at the market and she’s “done Africa on a motorbike”! There are kids who study the movements of Humpback whales and count the tiniest Sea Horses. Michelin starred chefs have supper in a tin shack and rave about the food. Our French neighbour swings in a hammock all day but he’s kind, tender and attentive when he plays games with his small son, his two Guesthouses and his Restaurant are always chock-a-block. The small, wiry Zimbabwean with the friendliest smile kissed me on both cheeks and held my hands when my son introduced us at his Restaurant, there’s a story there, I wish I knew it.

We’ve met Merchants, Millionaires, Moegoes, Movie Makers and Michelle an exceptionally talented young woman who designs and tools leather handbags and other leather accessories. Her workmanship is precise, intricate and exceptionally professional. Being a leathersmith of this calibre takes years of practise and owning one’s own business takes passion, drive and courage. Michelle sources her product from various locations selecting her raw materials with care and only the best quality will pass her discerning eyes and fingers. Hides used vary; styles are constantly changing as her expertise improves. I’d be proud to own one of her exclusive MANDARA handbags, maybe when my ship comes in one day! Should you meet this charming, enthusiastic girl let her tell you her story and journey, it’s fascinating.

MANDARA – Handmade leather handbags
Madeleine Zietsman
Tel: 073 537 4766
Email: [email protected]
Prices on request

Like Frank Zappa I too say “too many books too little time” but this goes for travelling too, too little time too many countries.
So no matter how old, how wise, how rich or poor if you're "given to fly" take up your wings (could be a Harley) and live passionately.