Complimenting Colour

“I am always hoping to make a discovery here, to express the feelings of two lovers by a marriage of two complementary colours, their minglings and their oppositions, the mysterious vibrations of kindred tones.” (Vincent van Gogh)

Minimalism. Complementary and primary colours. Cool colours vs Warm colours, that’s my palette today. And of course I’m going to try and get a chilli to show how hot it is! Fun makes us laugh and we need to have some fun. It's a Jim Morrison day.

Moody Mondays are for staying at home, for catching up with all the neglected chores I push to the back of the drawer, they have caught up with me. My photography will have to play second fiddle today.

With the fiery chilli I nearly burnt the house down, did burn my fingers several times and almost set the chilli alight too. Firstly, I had to set up the chilli, then the camera, a timer, light the matches (a whole lot at a time to make an impressive smoke tendril) and then three seconds before the shutter went off I had to extinguish the match and position the tendril beneath the chilli. Needless to say all this was a tad more involved than I anticipated. The final straw was that the heat produced by the flame and the smoke moved the chilli ever so slightly, giving it a blur. Once I’d used all my matches (580) barring a few I saved, in case of load shedding, I had to abandon my experiment. I will try it again sometime when I have a little more time. This one isn't sharp at all! Sorry!

I had a lot of fun. Once I’d started thinking about what I’d like to do I enjoyed rediscovering some weird things in drawers like purple tights! I must make a space for all the “props” I use when doing table top photography, they always come in handy.

Sometimes it’s not necessary to capture a moment, sometimes we have to create moments to capture and by doing so we are reminded of other moments.

“A lot of photographers think that if they buy a better camera they’ll be able to take better photographs. A better camera won’t do a thing for you if you don’t have anything in your head or in your heart.” ― Arnold Newman

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