Frustrating Friday

When there’s a knock on the door at 6h45 in the morning you can be sure the day isn’t going to turn out the way you thought. I was still in my pyjamas when our neighbour banged on the back door. One of two things, someone’s popped his clogs or, yes, it was no 2, someone had broken into our car.

Fabulous Friday turned into Frustrating Friday. It was all about cops, chaos and bureaucracy. Goes without saying that the car is locked in the garage and will only be repaired on Tuesday! Sometimes a day without choices is easy. I couldn’t jump in the car and dash off to the village or go somewhere interesting to photograph.

Being at home meant I could catch up with some of the things I’ve pushed to the back of the drawer. I had to use what I had collected over the week to photograph, dry orchid blooms, autumn leaves and a country bunch of flowers. As I was packing my gear away I spotted the elusive Cape Robin bathing in the bird bath, I sneaked out as light on my feet as I could and got a few clicks of him. He was really accommodating and hopped right up close.

The rain is coming I feel it in my bones, tomorrow may be an interesting one.