Head In The Clouds - At The Frame House

Bosmans’ Wine and Protea Farm – Hemel en Aarde Valley.

Sami-Joan suggested we take ourselves off to the Bosman Farm in the Hemel and Aarde valley for a Tapas lunch and wine tasting. She’s a foodie and loves her wine; I knew I could take her word for it. We phoned immediately and were told they’re fully booked. Odd, we thought as we’d never heard of The Frame House, let alone seen where the Bosman’s farm was. The Hemel and Aarde valley is our hunting ground, and we knew of no such place. They’ve been open for two years; it turns out!

On Thursday I phoned and made a reservation. We could do either the wine tasting with the taster menu or enjoy a Tapas on the veranda. The veranda was my choice.
Great minds think alike; it was no surprise to hear we’d both made a reservation. Butch did a thorough investigation and suggested we do one of the hikes before lunch. I agreed.

The sun rose on a beautiful day in Onrus. The veranda would be perfect after our hike. We picked up our sticks, cameras and puffer jackets and set off.
Bosman’s farm is not on the main drag but on the Karwyderskraal road. Hence our confusion.
There are two trails, one the Koppie, which winds through fynbos, protea fields up to a bench on top of the koppie with a spectacular view on one side of Walker Bay and the valley below, and on the other towards Hang Klip. We didn’t explore the Wetlands nature trails this time; I’m sure the name says it all. Both promise hikes through various habitats from farmland to fynbos & renosterveld. According to my watch, our circuitous hike was 3km. and took us roughly 45 minutes with stops to catch our breath, enjoy the views, and sit on the bench to take it all in.

Besides the beautiful natural vegetation, we saw ribbok, perhaps a duiker, spoor, and I picked up a porcupine quill.

While I was photographing my Butch on his way up the mountain, I realised how little photographic models are valued. Here he was at my beck and call, always camera ready, always smiling and willing to pose with his right foot forward. His remuneration? Zilch. I’m happy to report New Knee enjoyed a painless hike up and down the mountain. Old Knee was disappointing but made it down without a snag.

The wind had come up during our walk, and we were seated inside. It took a while to get settled. “Inside” is for wine tasting, and we were upsetting the apple cart, but soon everyone was on the same page, and we were served our beverages. The veranda was filled with happy customers enjoying their Tapas meals, and the wine was flowing.

The menu is concise with a selection of flatbreads with interesting toppings, a selection of four Tapas options, Italian cold cuts, cheese and flatbread platters etc.

We made our selection, and I enjoyed every morsel. The arancini crispy and flavoursome, our tomato salad delicious, Butch’s favourite, and the aubergine sticks had a good bite to them. We had a very nice Custard tart (it’s called a Pasteis de Nata, but, that’s not technically so, the pastry wasn’t true.) The coffee was excellent.
Bosman’s also produce a boutique eau de vie, Tower Bos, which is not served in the restaurant; we did leave with a bottle. Next weekend with the children around, I’m sure they’ll get to enjoy a G&T on the patio while Butch lights a fire.

The Pine wood Frame House is the perfect spot to do a hike and have lunch with friends. I want to return during the summer with friends. The lawn is safe for children to play on, and I’m sure the proteas and fynbos will be spectacular then too. Butch was disappointed that he couldn't enjoy a beer to quench his thirst after our hike. I could have an alcohol free beer. We reminded ourselves that this was a wine producing farm. Thanks, Sami-Joan, for the recommendation. It is necessary to make an appointment early in the week not to be disappointed.

I couldn’t resist a Marie Antionette moment.

+27(0) 76 3000 819