
The days of tutus and pirouettes are long gone, little girls don't stand on pointe and think Margot Fontaine is cool, they're into baggy pants, loose long sleeves and their pumps are Nike, they stomp and jump, jiggle and gyrate and they shake their tiny shoulders to the beat of Reggae as they listen to DJ Kool Herc.

“Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.” ― Rumi

Although I love what I’m doing and I’ve already learnt a lot I do realise I have other things on my plate too. I need to get the broom and feather duster out; the vacuum cleaner is jumping around in the cupboard. Fortunately I’m not too worried about lunch we have that sorted and evenings are still celebrated in this home.

Fortunately today was an easy one as far as subjects go. Two gorgeous little girls Hip-Hopping along, no ballet, piano lessons, deportment and speech therapy for them.

hip-hop (hĭp′hŏp′) or hip hop
1. A style of music usually based on rap and often including elements of other styles such as funk or rhythm and blues.
2. An urban youth culture originating in the 1980s in New York City, involving such forms of expression as hip-hop music, b-boying, and graffiti art.
adj.Of or characteristic of hip-hop culture. (I INCLUDE A VIDEO FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT AND EDIFICATION)