Les Girls are Frenching It - The Backgound

Where do I start with this travellogue I wonder? Just a few minutes ago whilst hanging up the washing I thought about the last couple of months, first an epic adventure to India and then France, son magnifique!
India was a life changing experience and left it’s indelible mark on my soul, every day was spent sorting through thousands of photographs I’d taken, editing them and finally arranging them for my book, then the disaster when I “lost” the book and the consequent re-making of the book, I spent nights tossing and turning reliving the Indian adventure, and then it was off to Paris and the Luberon valley and now I’m back to square one again, re-living my amazing experieces once again! From the sublime to the ridiculous, first the seasoned traveller and then I’m back to feather dusters and washing lines.Gwen and I have been friends for 35 years, for many years we saw each other on a regular basis, her, Kevin, Pete and Gill lived in Williston for two years which was great as we saw each other regularly. Whilst Kevin and Karel were students we were virtually inseparable and I was there when they got married and later when Pete was born. Over the years our visits have certainly got less but we’ve stayed in contact and have had the occasional fabulous, boozy lunch and sleep-over in Clifton, but we’ve never lost our love for each other, or our friendship.
On one visit to Gwen, when Marthine was about 3 years old, I recall telling Marthine that Gwen was like a sister to me, this must’ve struck Marthine as very odd as later in the day as we were saying goodbye with hugs and kisses Marthine chirrupped “Oh Mama, I can see you’re sisters!” at which I replied “how Marthine?” and without missing a beat she said “omdat julle snorre ewe lank is!” (“because your moustaches are exactly the same length”!)
Over the years we’ve celebrated certain milestones together, I even did catering for some, have had many laughs and some tears too. So last year on one of our Clifton visits Gwen mentioned her 50th Birthday, she was adament that it would not be a party, but rather a year long celebration with her family and friends, her main objective would be to spend quality time with as many of the people she cared for, catching up, relaxing and re-uniting and re-kindling her relationships. Each one would be unique and tailormade.
To my utter astonishment I was included with 4 other friends in a 3 night trip to Paris and then a surprise destination, details on a “need to know” basis. I’d never been to France so anything would blow me away. Unfortunately one of the girls had to decline due to unforeseen circumstances so there were 5 of us (including Gwen). Just going to the French Embassy with my Visa Application was exciting!At last the day dawned and after much packing, repacking, weighing and discarding I had my Le’Orange Baggage packed including my high heels, little black numbers and a few scarves. My toes were painted bright red in keeping with my idea of what’s French! I must say I didn’t look much like a sophisticated Parissiene, rather, like a overweight, middleaged backpacker with my very large backpack! My father’s words always ringing in my ears “He who travels light travels far"!
It was lovely to see Le Girls arrive, delightful Anne whom I’d not seen in decades, the two gorgeous girls Les and Che whom I’d met on one or two occasions and of course Gwen who’s still just as young and energetic and who has winning ways with those dimples. We checked in as quickly as possible and made our way through customs to go and relax with our first bottle, of many bottles, of bubbles. We oohed and aahhed and toasted each other’s good health and knew this was going to be a holiday of a lifetime.