Scintillating Sunny Salads

Scintillating Sunny Salads

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / Meat Dishes / Salads / Fruit

It’s a mellow-yellow Saffron day, it’s hot, sticky and slightly sultry. I awoke with melons,  songs and nasturtiums on my mind a Yellow song and it was Coldplay! A good theme for Thursday. This is a pedicure and cafe day.  Provence is yellow, reminding me of Les Girls, pottery and...

Tuesdays are for no ordinary fish

Tuesdays are for no ordinary fish

Posted in Recipes

“I love the way the color lavender smells, and the way the color salmon tastes. And if there were a  color called “fur”, I’d like the way it feels”!–Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not FOR SALE Painting of Fishmonger at Fishmarket: Bartolomeo Passarotti - The fish stall If you’re a fisherman and...

Miserably Morose on a Monday

Miserably Morose on a Monday

Posted in Review

It’s no use, no-one can dodge this bullet any longer, it’s back to the Spinning Class this afternoon, the scales don’t lie, we can count calories until the cows come home, nope,  it’s time to add some strenuous exercises to the game plan! I wonder if jaw wiring is still an option? I still...

The Other Woman, a Letter From My Heart

The Other Woman, a Letter From My Heart

Posted in Musings

"Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you yet they belong not to you."  On Children – Kahlil Kibran An open letter Dear Mum and Dad of The Other Woman, When I...

Between The Covers it's Man up or Clam up

Between The Covers it's Man up or Clam up

Posted in Review

We need confidence and courage to grab an opportunity and run with it, to persevere and not lose faith takes guts.“A ship is always safe at the shore; but that is NOT what it is built for. Right  ― Albert Einstein. People are fascinating and if you’re a little more aware and have an...

A Photographic Walk

A Photographic Walk

Posted in clicking 365 project

Today was a walk in the park.  A delightful day of taking photogaphs of  some the people I encounter in my daily life.  As Bruce Gilden says "I love the people I photograph. I mean, they're my friends. I've never met most of them or I don't know them at all, yet through my images I live...

Sea Horses and Mermaids

Sea Horses and Mermaids

Posted in Review

For a while now we’ve been hearing rumours about snorkelling with Sea Horses,"Right!" I thought "and I’m talking to Faeries!" they’re almost extinct and live in the Tropics somewhere. Exactly,  in Inhambane in the tropical waters there! So one day we investigated, of course it’s easier said...

Moon On The Water - Where a Simple Life Comes Together

Moon On The Water - Where a Simple Life Comes Together

Posted in Travel

As soon as the furniture is arranged on the veranda and the long table is placed against the railing I sit down and feel my shoulders drop, my neck becomes looser and the tension flows like blood     through my veins out through my toes. I can breathe again, long slow inhalations,...

Good, Better, Mozambique

Good, Better, Mozambique

Posted in Travel

It’s a long and winding road getting to Lua No Mar, a cottage on the beach in Tofo, a pinprick on the map of Mozambique in the Province of Inhambane. This is the place of long white beaches, mosquitoes, sand flees, balmy days, and the friendliest most accommodating people in Africa.   Vasco...

Rhubarbs reign here, Miss Figgy and Aubergine

Rhubarbs reign here, Miss Figgy and Aubergine

Posted in Recipes

People very rarely change and our nearly neighbours moved after a lifetime on the corner, quietly without making a fuss, not the slightest ripple on the pond, the only sign of their departure is their absence and the sense of loss the stately old homestead has taken on! No one is doing Thai-Chi...

At a Loss

At a Loss

Posted in Musings

“Before the war Sofya Levinton had once said to Yevgenia Nikolaevna Shaposhnikova, “If one man is fated to be killed by another, it would be interesting to trace the gradual convergence of their paths. At the start they might be miles away from one another – I might be in Pamir picking alpine...

Figs, Frogs and Red Onions

Figs, Frogs and Red Onions

Posted in Recipes

The countdown has begun only seven sleepies to go! If the dining room is anything to go by we’re going to need a pantechnican to get us to Tofo. There's no doubt we're all fatigued at this time of the year, although it’s gone like a flash, and the year is just a memory we’ve all had our...

Ta-Ta-Ra-Ta Tarte Tartin

Ta-Ta-Ra-Ta Tarte Tartin

Posted in Recipes

“A party without cake is just a meeting” ― Julia Child. Tarte Tatin - a type of upside-down apple tart consisting of pastry baked over slices of fruit arranged in caramelised sugar, served fruit side up after cooking. Every cook should go to a cooking class at least once a year. Besides...

The Melting Pot

The Melting Pot

Posted in Review

Chocolate Melting Jar an innovative find  by Kitchen Inspire by ANZO.  Often the best buys are the ones I do on the trot while my eyes are searching shelves for the thingy on the list.   My blue eye spotted this gem while scouring the shelves for the 6th colander for our summer cottage...

Open Secrets Closed Books and Fishy Tales

Open Secrets Closed Books and Fishy Tales

Posted in Recipes

Speckled eggs, peanuts and raisins with Mustard leaves and ginger are my new addictions; if I didn’t know better I’d think something fishy was going on! I juggle the three in no particular order while I make a salad and think about Village life on a Saturday morning.  I love the bunch of...

Of Crowning glories Queen of Tarts and Family Jewels

Of Crowning glories Queen of Tarts and Family Jewels

Posted in Recipes

are none of the things I can boast of.  You could say I'm always the second runner-up or the Burntoutactress being a drama Queen, the reigning Queen says the family jewels are for the aging Queen.  Such is life.  But sit me down to Pudding and I'm in clover!   The real Queen of Tarts is...

Hydrangeas Hot Chicks and Old Favourites

Hydrangeas Hot Chicks and Old Favourites

Posted in Recipes

The hydrangeas are blooming, all cotton-candy pink and lacy blue. My Pecan nut tree is throwing off its flowers and my garden is swarming with bees, dragonflies and frogs. It’s old summer magic and there’s no time to waste experimenting with new menu’s, which suits me just fine. Last night...

Chocolate Champagne and Caviar

Chocolate Champagne and Caviar

Posted in Recipes

the star attractions leading all the wise men to your festive table. “Happiness, Simple as a glass of chocolate or tortuous as the heart, Bitter. Sweet. Alive.” - Joanne Harris, Chocolat. Don't invite the usual suspects, be brave and invite someone new; who'll breath new life into...

Five Fish and Four French loaves

Five Fish and Four French loaves

Posted in Recipes

Won't cut it if you're planning on feeding a multitude. This basic recipe for everything divine, double it up for a crowd. My motto is: Consistency is unimaginative, dress it up or pasta it down. Girls just want to have fun and preparing a meal must be  quite a quiet quicky.  Every time I serve...

The Fast Lane to Bloemfontein

The Fast Lane to Bloemfontein

Posted in Travel

You may well ask, what on earth were we doing in Bloemfontein? The home of the Safari Suit; indeed, one only goes there for a wedding, a funeral or a meeting. But someone’s wagon stopped there. My Ouma was a student at the Teacher’s Training College in 1929. Today, unless you’re accepted...

From Leap Frog to Toad in the Pole

From Leap Frog to Toad in the Pole

Silvery soft, silky, squishy and slightly dry that’s what I thought the glob of sticky putty would feel like as I gingerly tried prying it from between my speedometer and dashboard while driving home; and then it jumped! It was a silvery soft, silky, squishy and slightly dry Arum frog...

Being a Free Spirit and an Aging Gypsy

Being a Free Spirit and an Aging Gypsy

Posted in Musings

Children are resilient, so is the child in me. Circumstances change, I’ll adapt. Nothing is impossible, my mind renews like shedding skin. I’ve wept, it made me strong. I loathe mediocrity, apathy and dullness.  When I'm hopeless I live one day at a time. When depression knocks I walk to find...

Curry Flavour When It Rains In November

Curry Flavour When It Rains In November

Posted in Recipes

111 years ago on this day my Grandmama was born. How the world has changed, the only thing that hasn’t is the rain! Bob Hope was also born in 1903 and Konrad Lorenz (Austrian Zoologist 1903-1989) said "I have found the missing link between the higher ape and civilized man: It is we." George...

Fashionable Food for Fabulous Fridays

Fashionable Food for Fabulous Fridays

Posted in Recipes

Those are some of my favourite F words; fortunately it was a good week so I have no desire to stab someone with a cake fork. To celebrate the weekend there’s nothing better than having fab food lined up which won't keep you in the kitchen for hours. Try these when serving sundowners or as...

Clickety-clack choo-choo

Clickety-clack choo-choo

Posted in Travel

Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack choo-choo-choose your train wisely! Trains and Champagne. I’m neither an Anorak nor a Trainspotter but I love the huge beasts. Skinny bandy legs, new black lace-up shoes the dress 6 inches off the floor when kneeling. A very wobbly chin, I'm petrified I’ll...

Pass Lee's Age Rose Merry and Time

Pass Lee's Age Rose Merry and Time

Posted in Recipes

These are some of my favourite things! It’s snowing in Canada and a fine mist covers my mountain. Comfort food is called for which is perfect as it stews in its own juices while I get spring out of my garden and prepare for Summer. Clay pots will be filled with culinary herbs, Parsley,...

Halo! Halong is Halong Bay?  Halong can I stay?

Halo! Halong is Halong Bay? Halong can I stay?

Posted in Travel

“To be included on the World Heritage List, sites must be of outstanding universal value.”  and “To contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance;” I must confess I knew very little about Halong Bay except that it was exceptionally...

Silly Season Snapping at our Heels

Silly Season Snapping at our Heels

Posted in Review

This morning I didn’t wake up to the chirruping of songbirds, but to the clanging of a bucket, snap of a step ladder and a jodling painter, Wally is revamping. Roof trusses are being knocked up across the street as a new house shoots up and according to the owner his parents are moving in on...

Fat Plump October

Fat Plump October

Posted in Recipes

Now’s the time to get Grand’Mere off the shelf, dust her and riffle through her pages to the two stuck together when I baked last year’s Christmas cake. It’s eight weeks to go and that’s how long one needs to mature a cake. This fact struck me like a blow to the solar plexus this afternoon when...

Decidedly Dilly Divas and other Dramas

Decidedly Dilly Divas and other Dramas

Posted in Travel

Confucius say “short man who dance with tall woman get bust in mouth”. That is indeed a pearl of wisdom! As we were privy to local lore we were treated to strange customs in Ha Noi.  So instead of watching the famous Water Puppets we went in pursuit of Fre Astair and Ginga Roger (in keeping...

Oranges and Lemons ring the bells of Citrusdal

Oranges and Lemons ring the bells of Citrusdal

Posted in Review

Just a quickie before I forget, do not pass through Citrusdal without stopping for brunch and coffee in the main road. The chocolate cake is the best in the west and the baked cheese cake is celestial.   At the Grapevine Coffee Shop the instruction is clear, "greet everyone with a smile!"  and...

Street food in the fast lane

Street food in the fast lane

Posted in Travel

Streets are swarming with scooters, rickshaws, hookers and hawkers. The sidewalks bustle with traders, pedestrians, street cafes, and panhandlers This frisson is like a needle in a vein and addictive. The steamy life on the street is heady and the cacophony of sound and raw energy makes any...

Serenading Sundays

Serenading Sundays

Posted in Recipes

More lyrics have been written about a Sunday than any other day of the week. From Queen to Joni Mitchell.  Here Sundays are a day of worship, thankfulness and rest. Panama hats, cheesecutters and blazers, the old school tie, and Church Schools are still a firm favourite in our neck of the woods...

Cheese Souffles

Cheese Souffles

Posted in Recipes

There’s nothing nicer than waking up to a freshly mowed lawn, Cape White-eyes splashing in the birdbath and that special feeling of well-being when the sun shines. Perfect Porcelain blooms cover rosebushes; I spot the neighbour’s cat unwinding himself from his scratch-pole. All this calls for...

Having street food without being a pavement special

Having street food without being a pavement special

Posted in Review

Si! “The Italians and Spanish, the Chinese and Vietnamese see food as part of a larger, more essential and pleasurable part of daily life. Not as an experience to be collected or bragged about - or as a ritual like filling up a car - but as something else that gives pleasure, like sex or music,...

The Church Boutique Hotel Hanoi

The Church Boutique Hotel Hanoi

Posted in Review

Imagine our excitement when we touched down in Ha Noi, we’d had a brilliant flight, been attended to hand and foot, but, a cunning little cottonwool cloud floated over our sunny, autumn horizon as we were being ripped off at the Tourism counter when we ordered a taxi. Charging us an arm and a...

In a Singpore Grip

In a Singpore Grip

Posted in Travel

Lets agree prohibition sucked and led to all sorts of mischief. Imagine a government that bans chewing gum? The fear of the law was put into me and I had visions of sniffer dogs discovering my Imodium and Vomifene so I rushed to my G.P for prescriptions in case I got the chop, no questions...

Green Mango Salad

Green Mango Salad

Posted in Recipes

Sing-song voices of ladies walking and the chitter chatter of birds wake me up on quiet mornings, summer's here, it's flip-flop-sunhat season and we need refiguring for the beach. Salad days are back, perfectly timed are the fresh summer fruits and vegetables appearing on our shelves. GREEN...

Lemon Grass and Turmeric Chicken Skewers

Lemon Grass and Turmeric Chicken Skewers

Posted in Recipes

When the sun shines evenings are balmy and a perfect reason to have a mid-week celebration, light a fire and barbeque something easy, fragrant lime and delicious. Sip cold crisp green Sauvignor blanc and listen to evening sounds. LEMON GRASS TURMERIC CHICKEN SKEWERS(this recipe has been...