
Find relief in Citta della Pieve

Find relief in Citta della Pieve

Posted in Review / Travel

We often ask the question:  “How would you like to live here?” Sometimes it’s very tempting, but then I remember our mountains, the sea, my ordinary predictable, yet, incredibly happy,  life, my friends and family and I can’t imagine living anywhere else but in our Sleepy Hollow surrounded...



Posted in Recipes / Baking and Cakes / Travel

Best chocolate cake in Mexico.  Carla and I can attest to that. On a recent visit to Mexico we enjoyed this magnificent chocolate cake.  Moist, packed with chocolate, yet light and not overly rich.  It certainly ticked all the boxes after a night out when one needed a Caffè and Torte....

Suffusing My Senses In Siena

Suffusing My Senses In Siena

Posted in Review / Recipes / Baking and Cakes / Travel

Most weekends, in fine weather, I enjoy a long walk along the cliff path in Onrus, I’m always touched by the names imprinted on plaques carefully laid in tiles dotted along the way.  These tiles of remembrance are mostly dedicated to loved ones or pets.  Sometimes it can be just a poem or...

Travels With Tozers Tuscan Tours

Travels With Tozers Tuscan Tours

Posted in Review / Travel

There is nothing amusing about two middle-aged couples in a hire car.  You have the driver, co-pilots and backseat drivers. All experienced, experts, who think driving on the “wrong side” of the road is a walk in the park.  And then you have the GPS.  An unfortunate woman with a posh accent....

27 November, A Day I’ll Always Remember

27 November, A Day I’ll Always Remember

Posted in Travel / Musings

I adored a beautiful boy once, he was born on the 27th November 1955, I met him in July 1972 and if truth be told he was the first boy who impressed me. I had a crush on him for years, he didn’t really notice me all that much, but, our stars did align and our paths crossed occasionally.  He...

Sayulita Señorita

Sayulita Señorita

Posted in Review / Travel

Say me, say you, Sayulita! That’s the way it should be. Naturally!  Right next door to Punta de Mita is this uber cool hippie/surfer beachfront village — I’ve been told it’s very similar to Tulum, but with waves. All roads lead from the steep hills down to the sea — surrounding the zocalo...

The Destination Wedding Vacation

The Destination Wedding Vacation

Posted in Travel / Musings

Elation! I must confess I am always a little in awe when I hear of someone jetting off to some exotic destination, and especially so for a wedding. The charmed life. Glamorous. Romantic. The first time it was mentioned in my company was when a recent graduate, earning a pittance, announced...

I Can't Keep It In

I Can't Keep It In

Posted in Review / Travel

There’s no other way but to spit it out.  They say “a secret’s only a secret once you’ve told someone”, so I’m going to tell you all about a big secret.  It’s not your usual, let’s gossip about the neighbour secret, it’s all about a holiday destination. One everyone should explore.  For now I...

Cuisine, Sunscreen, Tambourine I've Seen '17

Cuisine, Sunscreen, Tambourine I've Seen '17

Highlighting a year brings back sweet memories.  It’s through hard times that we take note, but it’s in the cool afterglow that we can sit back and let our hearts and minds recall good times. This has been an amazing roller coaster year.  My 60th! My mind has been churning with thoughts, words...

Every Picture Tells A Story

Every Picture Tells A Story

Posted in Review / Travel

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No matter how many beautiful photographs I’ve seen of Cinque Terre nothing beats being there oneself. Like any great beauty there is more to her than meets the eye. This place has soul, history and charm. Being a World Heritage Site does not happen at the...

A Leaning Tower And A Pisa Pizza

A Leaning Tower And A Pisa Pizza

Posted in Review / Travel

Since the Arno has silted itself up and cut the city off from the sea Pisa has become slightly off-kilter and a little seedy, but, that’s only my opinion of course. The decline of this once powerful naval city is noticeable, and I wonder how popular it would be if it did not boast such...

Three Letters From Santiago

Three Letters From Santiago

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Insomnia. Lying here in my single bed, in our Spartan Nun’s cell in the former Convent on the square. I move my feet to feel the cold part of the starched white linen sheets. The thick ancient walls can’t keep the heat out, the muggy air does not stir. Our pilgrimage has come to an end. Lise and...

Solidago Santiago

Solidago Santiago

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

We’d heard on the grapevine that there would be thousands of Pilgrims flooding into Santiago de Compostello from all four corners of Europe. We had to make haste unless we were prepared to queue for hours waiting for our certification. Early it would be. I set our alarm for 4am at 5am we’d set...

Butch Bites The Bullet

Butch Bites The Bullet

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Like much in life, unless one is 100% committed to a task it is sure to be a failure or at worst a disappointment. I know that if asked 5 years ago whether he’d attempt to walk halfway across Spain Butch would’ve said “NO!” Unequivocally. The only reason he did it was because Anna (his...

Overweight Honey Badger Must Streamline

Overweight Honey Badger Must Streamline

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

The Honey Badger is on a crash diet. No more heavy metals. On the spur of the moment it was decided to weigh the truck and huge was the collective surprise when she came in weighing a few hundred kilogrammes over her recommended weight allowance. “How on earth can that happen?” you may well...

Big Butch Battles Bravely

Big Butch Battles Bravely

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Like two pom-pom girls we stood ready to welcome our Butch at Vigo airport. We caught a glimpse of him way down the passage coming through customs long before he spotted us. He looked exhausted, thin and quite pasty (and not at all like a Cornish pasty, rather, grey and pale) around the...

Vigo Splish Splash And Get Sun-Kissed

Vigo Splish Splash And Get Sun-Kissed

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

It’s raining. If one’s lucky to be there when the first drops fall you will get the smell of rain on dusty tar and it’s just amazing. In Redondela we took deep breaths of rainy air, it was heaven, but, not quite like our African rain, here we smell dust, dry grass, and the blue of water...

Kick-Ass Heroes For A Day

Kick-Ass Heroes For A Day

Posted in Review / Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Although we were quite content with each other’s company and had no need of hooking up with other Peregrinoes we did meet and chat to a father and son walking alongside us. The attraction was our feet of course. Flip flops! When I mentioned that St James would've approved we got a "touché"! One...

A Flip-Flopping Peregrino On Camino

A Flip-Flopping Peregrino On Camino

Posted in Review / Travel / Santiago de Compostello

My friend sent a photograph of her amazing knitted patchwork blanket, a gift to her grandson, the other day. I am in awe. You see, I started one too. Years ago. On all our wanderings I’d sit in the car and knit, miles of strips and squares I’ve done. Haphazard they are, not all exactly square,...

There's No Snoozin' With Susan

There's No Snoozin' With Susan

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Camping with my sister-in-law Sue is a treat. She’s organised and runs a tight ship. She has to, with her family of 3 plus 2, plus all the friends and extended family members who make themselves at home there. This whole mish-mash of friends, family and vreemdelinge (strangers) often accompany...

A Sucker For Punishment

A Sucker For Punishment

Posted in Review / Travel

Is exactly what I must be, when I agreed to repeat my 2016 performance of hiking the Fish River Canyon. Needless to say I couldn’t go back on my word so I saddled up the old back pack, loaded it with the bare essentials and set off on a nine day adventure to Namibia.  We would hike for five...

Lise, My Camino Compañero

Lise, My Camino Compañero

Posted in Travel / Musings / Santiago de Compostello

We have made it to Barcelos in one piece, a little bruised and battle weary. We could lament the state of our toes until the cows come home, but we’re braver than that. We'll dust overselves off and soldier on. I watch her sleep, always the sleep of the innocent, so quiet, not a snore, not...

Picture Perfect Oporto

Picture Perfect Oporto

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Four nights in Porto is all I could squeeze into my itinerary. My love for Portugal is a genetic thing. It’s not skin deep, I’m wired to love that slip of a Mediterranean country hemmed in by Spain on one side and the ocean on the other.  My aunt lived in a tiny fishing village south of...

Driving Dirt Roads, Dunes And Deserts

Driving Dirt Roads, Dunes And Deserts

Posted in Travel

Twenty years ago my life was a shambles. I was scared, insecure and I cried every day for almost 2 and a half years. I do believe I could’ve filled buckets with tears. Friends can only take so much. My best friends decided instead of writing me off they’d take me to Namibia. We’d celebrate my...

Surely Sundays Are Fun Days

Surely Sundays Are Fun Days

Posted in Travel

In all my born days I never thought I would say "whoopy! Sundays are fun days". I’m a boarder for goodness’ sakes.We loathe Sundays.Turn on a radio and I recall Esmè Everard’s distinctive lilt as she read messages from Mums and girlfriends on “Forces Favourites”. That's my cue to fall into...

On Doctor's Orders

On Doctor's Orders

Posted in Travel

Isn’t exactly how it all happened. Summer colds are really the pits, especially in spring. We were both bitten by a bug. Runny noses, sneezing, bunged up sinuses, laryngitis and an embarrassing gungy cough. Not bad enough to tempt one to pull a duvet over one’s head, but enough to make you...

Singing Ching-Ching It's Spring

Singing Ching-Ching It's Spring

Posted in Travel

I go ballistic every time Butch announces “It’s Summer!” (Like clockwork he does it every year on the 23rd June).My beady eyes give him dirty looks as I shiver and shake from the cold, but, I start watching the signs. And then. When he starts paying attention to the weather forecasts, reads...

Schatzie Goes Hands, Knees And Bump-Sa-Daisy

Schatzie Goes Hands, Knees And Bump-Sa-Daisy

Posted in Review / Travel

That’s exactly how I made my descent into the Fish River Canyon. Slowly, measured steps and oftentimes on my behind. I had no dignity as I squatted to slide down rocks. When did my legs shorten? It was after 55. The audience looking down must’ve rolled their eyes while they whispered...

Floss, Gloss And Go

Floss, Gloss And Go

Posted in Travel

It happens once you get engaged, married or become pregnant. Everyone has advice. All good, solid cases based on past experiences. The problem is which one do you follow? If I had to take up all the tips, tricks and warnings I’ve had in the past week, I’d have to employ Sherpas to trek with...

Catching Kate In Vermaaklikheid

Catching Kate In Vermaaklikheid

Posted in Travel

Bad news spreads like a rash. The world is upside down. Our own Juju is giving away his secret recipe and weight loss plan. The UK is in a shambles after Brexit. In the US there’s a possibility that a megalomaniac with a Hitleresque attitude and a permanent bad hair day, might become the...

The Old School Tie

The Old School Tie

Posted in Travel / Musings

Somewhere at the back of a wardrobe we all have one. Mine was stretched to its limits, having knotted it in Standard 6 it had to keep up with the times, dragged over my head, like a noose, the knot wound tighter and tighter.  The tie got filthier and grubbier with each passing term, and as...

Mesmerizing Mana Magic

Mesmerizing Mana Magic

Posted in Travel

Here 21st Century human noise has been obliterated and Natures’ silence is deafening. That’s really all I can say.  Magical Mana.  Spiritual and Supernatural. The mighty Zambezi snakes through the enchanting forest of indigenous trees. Earth and water.  Such powerful energy sources. ...

Friendship - There Is No Value

Friendship - There Is No Value

Posted in Travel

That's what you wrote in our Guest book before you left for the last time. You’ll not remember leaving a copy of your book titled "Sand In The Wind", with a note:8h30am “Good Morning! book under chair, something to read by a waterhole perhaps. Best Keith” It took a while, but, we made it to...

Time Travels Through Zimbabwe

Time Travels Through Zimbabwe

Posted in Travel

The clock struck one and time stood still in Zimbabwe. It’s here that one fully appreciates that man’s influence on the Earth is small and insignificant, but, the conundrum is that technology also has the upper hand, for a while anyway it will. Plumtree border post was our port of entry and...

Meanderings During The Merry Month Of May

Meanderings During The Merry Month Of May

Posted in Travel

My favourite month by far, not too cold, not too hot, skies are bluer than blue and the landscape has changed into its autumn coat. With a very tight schedule and not many hours to spare we packed and readied ourselves to set off on a 3 week safari to Zimbabwe. We were awake before the...

The Weakest Link Takes A Hike

The Weakest Link Takes A Hike

Posted in Review / Travel

History tells us that contemplation, meditation, soul-searching and philosophising often takes place on mountain tops. Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Mandela and Ghandi did it. I had a close call, a wake-up call, a bruised ego, a sore bottom and a chipped toenail. Last week we packed our back...

In Etosha We Slosha In Galosha

In Etosha We Slosha In Galosha

Posted in Travel

A distant rumble, a short, sharp whip cracks, the skies light up while the heavens become darker, heavier. The smell of rain rolls over the dry, cracked earth. Every animal becomes aware and focuses on the storm as it gathers momentum. Stifling heat cools down. We’ve arrived in Etosha. That...

Resolution, Revolution Or Right On From Where We Left Off

Resolution, Revolution Or Right On From Where We Left Off

Posted in Travel

The choice is always ours.  New years have come and gone a few dozen times in my life, some good, some indifferent and some jolly awful. My New Years' resolutions have been a fickle affair, being of the opinion that if we try and don’t succeed this time we can start all over again in 365...

Monday Musings And Trip Advising

Monday Musings And Trip Advising

Posted in Travel

A week ago one of the children asked me how old I felt, without missing a beat I said 18. We must never get wiser with age, just a little more careful, then, we're sure to keep our freespirit alive. This morning while spinning I forced myself to stop looking at the very slow tick of the clock...

Treading Lightly On The Earth

Treading Lightly On The Earth

Posted in Travel

Sometimes one meets a person who makes the right impression. I did, he's a strange man, quiet, introspective, solitary, a lot like the animals he loves. At first he is also quietly arrogant and a snob. He's a free spirit and born free, he played his guitar in pubs during the seventies,...