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The Wall - Kariba Dam

The Wall - Kariba Dam

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Videos

It was time to wave Mana Pools goodbye. A month was just long enough and I was excited to resume our road trip and next destination. Kariba. All the stories I’ve heard about Kariba have conjured a picture of holidays, fun and houseboats. Romantic. We, of course, would not be staying in...

Going To The Dogs - Nyamepi Campsite Review

Going To The Dogs - Nyamepi Campsite Review

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Videos

Close your eyes. In the distance hear the cry of the African Fish eagle calling its mate. The soft rustle you hear could be a Vervet monkey suckling her young one, the soft blow is an Impala warning the herd of possible danger and the loud swishing and snorting in the water a hippopotamus...

The Company We Keep

The Company We Keep

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings / Videos

It's true, birds of a feather flock together. Just like Lilian's Lovebirds.  Although we travel very well together and comfortably do it without company we were delighted to know that we would not be alone for the entire time we were in Mana. We are social animals after all and I definitely...

Mangwanani! Mana Pools

Mangwanani! Mana Pools

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Videos

Morning! Early bird catches the worm. We’d be there when the gates open. That’s what we thought. But of course in Africa that seldom happens. We could not have known that the fuel shortages were about to commence. Eventually, we made it to the Mana Gate and then we had to negotiate the...

Roadtripping From Our Southern Shores to The Mighty Zambezi

Roadtripping From Our Southern Shores to The Mighty Zambezi

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Videos

On a fine Friday afternoon we were all packed and really excited to set off on our 5 day road trip from the southern tip of South Africa to the most northern border of Zimbabwe where our journey would end on the banks of the mighty Zambezi. Our first stop would be Matjiesfontein. We arrived...

The Honey Badger Does Its Maiden Long Haul To Zimbabwe

The Honey Badger Does Its Maiden Long Haul To Zimbabwe

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Videos

I am not a procrastinator by nature, what I can’t do is multitask. This blog has been coming along for a while now, unfortunately Murphy had a hand in the delay. What I must confess is that the last couple of months, since my last blog have been hectic. I hope to catch up and share all the...

The Honeybadger Goes Wild - Without Reservations

The Honeybadger Goes Wild - Without Reservations

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Videos

Christmas was spent at home with family and then, to get away from the crowds flocking to our very popular beach we decided we'd go on a roadtrip in the Honey Badger, I am still in training so this would be the perfect opportunity to take my driving skills up a notch or two while I...

Merry Christmas Special

Merry Christmas Special

Posted in Videos

Our Christmas was a quiet day spent with family. Time to relax, reflect, enjoying each others company at a beautifully laid table enjoying good food. We laughed a lot and shed a tear too. We were blessed abundantly and are deeply grateful for the gift of life, for being spared to enjoy...

Butch With An Eye - A progress report

Butch With An Eye - A progress report

Posted in Review / The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings

Shortly after we arrived back in Worcester I sent Butch off to the stand-in Ophthalmologist for an update and check-up. With me in tow. This was duly done with unsatisfactory results. The Dr. had nothing to add to the initial investigation, he simply shrugged his shoulders and with wringing...

A Spoke In The Wheel

A Spoke In The Wheel

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings / Videos

What we see on social media is not the sum total of who we are. I have a cloud hanging over my head right now. I don’t have the ability to see the so called silver lining, although I do believe there is one, it’s just shining somewhere else. Maybe someone else needs it more than I do right...

Comfort Food Prince Albert Style

Comfort Food Prince Albert Style

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / Meat Dishes / Desserts

Whenever I think of the Karoo and food there is only one thing that comes to mind.  It has to be lamb. Karoo lamb with lots of Rosemary.  Of course at this time of the year you might imagine a roast leg of Springbok, that’ll do too.  Treat it as if its lamb and the results are spectacular....

Feeling Like A Royal In Prince Albert

Feeling Like A Royal In Prince Albert

Posted in Review / Travel

Before I lose my mind completely I must tell you about my very special visit to Prince Albert a few weekends ago.  This is a Karoo town to look up.  I love the authenticity of the place.  Little cottages being renovated lovingly, there  is a magnificent cinema the architecture pure Art Nouveau,...

Oh Mercy! Mercy! Get My Jersey!

Oh Mercy! Mercy! Get My Jersey!

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

If I could, I would chisel in stone: “Never a dull moment.”  And “The winds of misfortune will prevail without fail”! The weather report said, rain.  I said “no way!”  The annual rainfall in the Tankwa is 10mm, so why get our knickers in a knot?  I did keep my eyes on the skies, and, I was...

Romancing the Mill Stone - Sandra's Easy Stone Ground Whole Wheat Bread

Romancing the Mill Stone - Sandra's Easy Stone Ground Whole Wheat Bread

Posted in Recipes / Baking and Cakes / Videos

Here is a divine vegan whole wheat loaf.  Please ensure you use Stone Ground Wheat which contains no additives, unhealthy preservatives, sugar or is so refined it resembles something one can make lines with and sniff.   If you’re wheat/gluten intolerant give this recipe a try, I am and I...

Glamping In Style - Have Keys and Wheels Will Travel

Glamping In Style - Have Keys and Wheels Will Travel

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Videos

(Drum Roll, Drum Roll, choir of angels) Right off the bat you must please accept my apologies, I will be boasting and bragging in this blog.  I think I have all the reason to. I know!  I know it’s very rude.  But then, so be it.  Please indulge me. Every time I alight our carriage I feel I...

Scones, Simply Whey Too Easy

Scones, Simply Whey Too Easy

Posted in Recipes / Baking and Cakes / Miscellaneous / Videos

My Mother-in-law was the Julia Childs of Karoo Kwezeen (Cuisine).  We were a good combination on the food front, she cooked it and I ate it, until I became quite poorly from over indulgence. Although very kind and patient I doubt she thought I had any mentionable talents and definitely not in...

Churning A-Whey Homemade Butter

Churning A-Whey Homemade Butter

Posted in Recipes / Miscellaneous / Videos

I am so excited. I made my own butter! It was simple to make and I can’t imagine why everyone doesn’t do it too.  Since most people are Banting or following Tim Noakes and his full dairy revolution cream and butter have become quite expensive.  A liter of cream still costs much less than 500g...

Keep Korma And Curry On

Keep Korma And Curry On

My new favourite quote, especially when my tiara slips fractionally.  Yes!  Sometimes it takes a change of heart, a change of attitude and courage to be in control of our minds and emotions.  It’s unlikely that we all wake up each morning and feel on top of the world.  Years ago someone said...

The End Is Nigh And Other Arbitrary Observations

The End Is Nigh And Other Arbitrary Observations

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings

There was a time when I thought I’d never say those words.  I am delighted to report The End is nigh.  This might be my birthday month with the Honey Badger as the final prize to celebrate the New Year and the end of a long, hard, traumatic and often disappointing 2½ years building our...

Dumpling Delicious

Dumpling Delicious

Posted in Recipes / Meat Dishes

We don’t have central heating, so our homes are colder inside than outside sometimes.  This has advantages, we warm up our homes with huge log fires, burn candles, have heaps of blankets and throws, we wear pajamas and bed socks, we fill our hot water bottles and switch on heated blankets. ...

Don't Mind The Gap

Don't Mind The Gap

Posted in Recipes / Meat Dishes / Musings / Videos

Age gaps and generation gaps are getting narrower and narrower at my age.  I have a beautiful friend who turns 18 today and shares the day with another who turns 80, yet another BFF turned 70 last week, I’ll be celebrating my 40th for the 21st time in a few days, later on I’m going to enjoy...

Breaking News:  We Can't Contain Ourselves!

Breaking News: We Can't Contain Ourselves!

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries

I have butterflies in my tummy. We are grinning from ear to ear.  At last! We have just returned from AC Motorhomes and things are looking fabulous!  Our Honey badger is gorgeous.  It’s been a fortnight since our last visit and we were bowled over. Overwhelmed is an understatement. Firstly,...

I Can Conclude I'm No (Food) Prude

I Can Conclude I'm No (Food) Prude

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / Meat Dishes / Soups / Fruit / Musings / Videos

My beloved, who eats anything and everything, never complains and always says “thank you that was a delicious meal” (even when, on the rare occasion, we have deli pies, accompanied by a good dose of salts, for lunch) decided he had a weekend menu; comfort food.  On the one hand I was delighted,...

Mooching In My Flannel Pajamas On Sundays

Mooching In My Flannel Pajamas On Sundays

Posted in Recipes / Desserts / Fruit / Bread / Videos

On Sundays, as the good book commands, I take a day off.  Late out of bed, I enjoy my coffee and a rusk made by Butch, it’s too cold for my tootsies to shuffle downstairs to make coffee.  I read, catch up with friends on Social Media, read messages from my children and watch the short videos...

Rome Was Not Built In A Day You Say?

Rome Was Not Built In A Day You Say?

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries

All very well to say that when it’s not your time, energy or money being spent.  At last!  After more than six months, I am happy to report we have made a little progress on our overlander truck the Honey Badger!  We’ve been at this project for more than two years now and at last I have...

Giving Chicken A Spicy Pineapple Kick

Giving Chicken A Spicy Pineapple Kick

Posted in Recipes / Poultry - Chicken / Videos

Sweet and spicy are always a winner and go so well with chicken.  We decided to spice up our Sunday roast with a curried pineapple stuffing.  Chickens tend to be rather thick skinned and flavours don’t penetrate the skin so we loosened the membrane beneath the skin and popped our stuffing...

The Tofo Tango To Mozambeats

The Tofo Tango To Mozambeats

Posted in Review / Travel

The weight of being South African slides off my shoulders smooth as velvet as I cross the border into Swaziland and a lightness of being washes over me like an overdue sigh. Summer took its toll on us. The innocence of Africa welcomes us as we greet friendly border officials and effortlessly...

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

Posted in Musings / the book box

Dear Marie, Teachers and Learners, I can think of no other way to express my astonishment at the achievements made at Sinetemba Aftercare School.  I just had to write! A year ago I visited the school and I was impressed.  This afternoon’s visit bowled me over.  Thank you for inviting me...

Easy Brinjal, Bacon Bake For Autumn Luncheons

Easy Brinjal, Bacon Bake For Autumn Luncheons

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / Videos

Aubergine, brinjal or egg plant must be the king of versatility.  Nothing could be easier than this Brinjal bake, so perfect for long lunches on the veranda when leaves turn and days become shorter and cooler.  No one wants to spend hours indoors now.  I see beautiful Mouse birds are very busy...

New Hats And Old Bats  - Hiking The Whale Trail

New Hats And Old Bats - Hiking The Whale Trail

Posted in Review / Travel

Hiking the whale trail has been a dream for many years.  When the opportunity presented itself we said yes without missing a beat. One of the most picturesque hikes in the Western Cape (possibly, even the world, when the whales are frolicking in the breakers) and probably the most booked up...

Tantalizing Tomato Teazer

Tantalizing Tomato Teazer

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / Fish / Videos

Last week we treated ourselves to a Fine Dining experience at the Conservatory, a pop-up restaurant Lekkerlek by Likoke (Lick Okay) inspired by the renowned Belgium Michelin Starred chef Piet Huysentruyt, who is rounding off his world tour in Franschoek.   The taster menu, inspired by...

Find relief in Citta della Pieve

Find relief in Citta della Pieve

Posted in Review / Travel

We often ask the question:  “How would you like to live here?” Sometimes it’s very tempting, but then I remember our mountains, the sea, my ordinary predictable, yet, incredibly happy,  life, my friends and family and I can’t imagine living anywhere else but in our Sleepy Hollow surrounded...



Posted in Recipes / Baking and Cakes / Travel

Best chocolate cake in Mexico.  Carla and I can attest to that. On a recent visit to Mexico we enjoyed this magnificent chocolate cake.  Moist, packed with chocolate, yet light and not overly rich.  It certainly ticked all the boxes after a night out when one needed a Caffè and Torte....

What's Cooking Good Looking?

What's Cooking Good Looking?

Posted in Recipes / Meat Dishes / Videos

A few weeks ago Butch went off to the butcher to see what we could braai (barbecue), we regularly enjoy a steak, especially on Fridays. This time he returned with a Brazilian cut, PICANHA, recommended by the butcher.  Tender, packed with flavour.  Really hard to beat. Picanha is a cut of...

Greeky Portuguesy Chicken Espetadas

Greeky Portuguesy Chicken Espetadas

Posted in Recipes / Poultry - Chicken

On Sundays, if we're at home and have a desire to take things easy we do chicken. Ring the changes by smothering large Espetadas in a delicious easy to prepare Greek-style yogurt dressing.  Of course one can also use ordinary kebab or sosatie skewers too.  Just soak the skewers in cold...

Suffusing My Senses In Siena

Suffusing My Senses In Siena

Posted in Review / Recipes / Baking and Cakes / Travel

Most weekends, in fine weather, I enjoy a long walk along the cliff path in Onrus, I’m always touched by the names imprinted on plaques carefully laid in tiles dotted along the way.  These tiles of remembrance are mostly dedicated to loved ones or pets.  Sometimes it can be just a poem or...

Travels With Tozers Tuscan Tours

Travels With Tozers Tuscan Tours

Posted in Review / Travel

There is nothing amusing about two middle-aged couples in a hire car.  You have the driver, co-pilots and backseat drivers. All experienced, experts, who think driving on the “wrong side” of the road is a walk in the park.  And then you have the GPS.  An unfortunate woman with a posh accent....

27 November, A Day I’ll Always Remember

27 November, A Day I’ll Always Remember

Posted in Travel / Musings

I adored a beautiful boy once, he was born on the 27th November 1955, I met him in July 1972 and if truth be told he was the first boy who impressed me. I had a crush on him for years, he didn’t really notice me all that much, but, our stars did align and our paths crossed occasionally.  He...

Sayulita Señorita

Sayulita Señorita

Posted in Review / Travel

Say me, say you, Sayulita! That’s the way it should be. Naturally!  Right next door to Punta de Mita is this uber cool hippie/surfer beachfront village — I’ve been told it’s very similar to Tulum, but with waves. All roads lead from the steep hills down to the sea — surrounding the zocalo...

The Destination Wedding Vacation

The Destination Wedding Vacation

Posted in Travel / Musings

Elation! I must confess I am always a little in awe when I hear of someone jetting off to some exotic destination, and especially so for a wedding. The charmed life. Glamorous. Romantic. The first time it was mentioned in my company was when a recent graduate, earning a pittance, announced...