The Honey Badger Diaries
The Company We Keep
It's true, birds of a feather flock together. Just like Lilian's Lovebirds. Although we travel very well together and comfortably do it without company we were delighted to know that we would not be alone for the entire time we were in Mana. We are social animals after all and I definitely...
Mangwanani! Mana Pools
Morning! Early bird catches the worm. We’d be there when the gates open. That’s what we thought. But of course in Africa that seldom happens. We could not have known that the fuel shortages were about to commence. Eventually, we made it to the Mana Gate and then we had to negotiate the...
Roadtripping From Our Southern Shores to The Mighty Zambezi
On a fine Friday afternoon we were all packed and really excited to set off on our 5 day road trip from the southern tip of South Africa to the most northern border of Zimbabwe where our journey would end on the banks of the mighty Zambezi. Our first stop would be Matjiesfontein. We arrived...
The Honey Badger Does Its Maiden Long Haul To Zimbabwe
I am not a procrastinator by nature, what I can’t do is multitask. This blog has been coming along for a while now, unfortunately Murphy had a hand in the delay. What I must confess is that the last couple of months, since my last blog have been hectic. I hope to catch up and share all the...
The Honeybadger Goes Wild - Without Reservations
Christmas was spent at home with family and then, to get away from the crowds flocking to our very popular beach we decided we'd go on a roadtrip in the Honey Badger, I am still in training so this would be the perfect opportunity to take my driving skills up a notch or two while I...
Butch With An Eye - A progress report
Shortly after we arrived back in Worcester I sent Butch off to the stand-in Ophthalmologist for an update and check-up. With me in tow. This was duly done with unsatisfactory results. The Dr. had nothing to add to the initial investigation, he simply shrugged his shoulders and with wringing...
A Spoke In The Wheel
What we see on social media is not the sum total of who we are. I have a cloud hanging over my head right now. I don’t have the ability to see the so called silver lining, although I do believe there is one, it’s just shining somewhere else. Maybe someone else needs it more than I do right...
Oh Mercy! Mercy! Get My Jersey!
If I could, I would chisel in stone: “Never a dull moment.” And “The winds of misfortune will prevail without fail”! The weather report said, rain. I said “no way!” The annual rainfall in the Tankwa is 10mm, so why get our knickers in a knot? I did keep my eyes on the skies, and, I was...
Glamping In Style - Have Keys and Wheels Will Travel
(Drum Roll, Drum Roll, choir of angels) Right off the bat you must please accept my apologies, I will be boasting and bragging in this blog. I think I have all the reason to. I know! I know it’s very rude. But then, so be it. Please indulge me. Every time I alight our carriage I feel I...
Keep Korma And Curry On
My new favourite quote, especially when my tiara slips fractionally. Yes! Sometimes it takes a change of heart, a change of attitude and courage to be in control of our minds and emotions. It’s unlikely that we all wake up each morning and feel on top of the world. Years ago someone said...
The End Is Nigh And Other Arbitrary Observations
There was a time when I thought I’d never say those words. I am delighted to report The End is nigh. This might be my birthday month with the Honey Badger as the final prize to celebrate the New Year and the end of a long, hard, traumatic and often disappointing 2½ years building our...
Breaking News: We Can't Contain Ourselves!
I have butterflies in my tummy. We are grinning from ear to ear. At last! We have just returned from AC Motorhomes and things are looking fabulous! Our Honey badger is gorgeous. It’s been a fortnight since our last visit and we were bowled over. Overwhelmed is an understatement. Firstly,...
Rome Was Not Built In A Day You Say?
All very well to say that when it’s not your time, energy or money being spent. At last! After more than six months, I am happy to report we have made a little progress on our overlander truck the Honey Badger! We’ve been at this project for more than two years now and at last I have...
Cuisine, Sunscreen, Tambourine I've Seen '17
Highlighting a year brings back sweet memories. It’s through hard times that we take note, but it’s in the cool afterglow that we can sit back and let our hearts and minds recall good times. This has been an amazing roller coaster year. My 60th! My mind has been churning with thoughts, words...
A Painful Nip And Tuck Turns Into Reconstructive Surgery
The last six weeks have been hell. Butch’s ears blocked up from stress and my continual nagging. My Grandmother would've said "a wife should not be like a dripping tap"! Torture. At times I thought I might have a heart attack from stress and anxiety as my oesophageal stricture goes on a rampage...
Drastic Remedial Action For The Honey Badger
Bi-carbonate of soda is my constant companion, wherever I go I have a good dose stashed near at hand. I don’t snort it, I take it with warm water to still my burning stomach. Indigestion burns like a white flame in my chest. The root cause. Stress. Anxiety. Anger. Disappointment. (one would...
Overweight Honey Badger Must Streamline
The Honey Badger is on a crash diet. No more heavy metals. On the spur of the moment it was decided to weigh the truck and huge was the collective surprise when she came in weighing a few hundred kilogrammes over her recommended weight allowance. “How on earth can that happen?” you may well...
There's No Snoozin' With Susan
Camping with my sister-in-law Sue is a treat. She’s organised and runs a tight ship. She has to, with her family of 3 plus 2, plus all the friends and extended family members who make themselves at home there. This whole mish-mash of friends, family and vreemdelinge (strangers) often accompany...
Scoring 100% On Her First Test Drive
Our pet project, the Honey Badger lives up to all expectations and passes her first test drive with flying colours. She didn't put a gear out of place and with all the confidence in the world revved her engines and zoomed off at a top speed of 80kmph. I mistakenly said we were going on our...
The Honey Badger Shenanigans
Hallo! It's been a while. I've not updated on the progress of our Honey Badger. I couldn't. Things weren't going as I thought they would. I had to dampen my enthusiasm and realise a few home truths. I am not in charge of this project. In my defence I did begin many scribblings but for...
Tim's Trailer Makeover
Not my usual story about our Honey Badger, but, it’s about being motivated by the plan and execution that we have for our truck.Ours has been in the making for months and the end is not in sight. Yet. This one is a spur of the moment, “let’s get stuck in and get the job done job”. Typically...
Jolly July - A Progress Report
Slow, steady, streamlined is what’s happening with our Honey Badger. Blueprint? There isn’t one. Plan? There isn’t one. So how are we going about this conversion you might wonder? We’re feeling our way. Like building a tree house, we’ve got a tree and branches, we've got the platform and the...
Progress Report - This Is No Faerie Tale
Work continues at a steady pace. The piercing, shrill, whining screech of a grinder fills the air, while the white light of the welding rod blinds, yet, fascinates. Sparks fly. Work is progressing. The air is infused with the smell of grease, lubricating oil and diesel. Men in overalls and...
The Fearless Earl And The Honey Badger
The Precious Prince has been on safari, but that’s a story for another day. While he’s been gallivanting all over the Kingdom and beyond the faithful Earl and his troop of knaves have worked tirelessly, not letting up with their determined efforts to complete the task at hand. Things are...
The Precious Prince - A Faerie Tale
Once upon a time there was a *handsome Prince and Princess and all they wanted to do was travel, she wanted to see the world, he was less ambitious, but would concede. A tad. His passion is Botswana, Namibia and a little bit of Mozambique. Although if truth be told he would venture forth...
The Honey Badger Diaries
We’re not beating about the bush anymore! It’s been two years since I had my momentum dilucide and announced our longing to spend our “retirement” bush whacking throughout Africa. Our dream is a reality. With fingers crossed Precious was able to secure a viewing of a vehicle and on Thursday...
Suikerbossie Guest Farm Meander - A Review
I have friend who knows the lyrics to all the 60’s and 70’s songs and she has the gift of being able to belt out the songs at the drop of a hat. So you say “submarine” and she’ll take that as her cue to sing. She does it anywhere and everywhere. That’s probably given my next sentence...