I Can't Keep It In

I Can't Keep It In

Posted in Review / Travel

There’s no other way but to spit it out.  They say “a secret’s only a secret once you’ve told someone”, so I’m going to tell you all about a big secret.  It’s not your usual, let’s gossip about the neighbour secret, it’s all about a holiday destination. One everyone should explore.  For now I...

Cuisine, Sunscreen, Tambourine I've Seen '17

Cuisine, Sunscreen, Tambourine I've Seen '17

Highlighting a year brings back sweet memories.  It’s through hard times that we take note, but it’s in the cool afterglow that we can sit back and let our hearts and minds recall good times. This has been an amazing roller coaster year.  My 60th! My mind has been churning with thoughts, words...

Celebrating Effortless Summer Fare

Celebrating Effortless Summer Fare

I am so inclined to repeat my menus that it takes a luncheon with friends to inspire me to delve into old recipe books, files and faded food magazines, those I hoard. I always find inspiration as the clock ticks ever nearer and my “to do” list gets longer.  Our guests arrived dressed to the...

A Painful Nip And Tuck Turns Into Reconstructive Surgery

A Painful Nip And Tuck Turns Into Reconstructive Surgery

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries

The last six weeks have been hell. Butch’s ears blocked up from stress and my continual nagging. My Grandmother would've said "a wife should not be like a dripping tap"! Torture. At times I thought I might have a heart attack from stress and anxiety as my oesophageal stricture goes on a rampage...

Every Picture Tells A Story

Every Picture Tells A Story

Posted in Review / Travel

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No matter how many beautiful photographs I’ve seen of Cinque Terre nothing beats being there oneself. Like any great beauty there is more to her than meets the eye. This place has soul, history and charm. Being a World Heritage Site does not happen at the...

A Leaning Tower And A Pisa Pizza

A Leaning Tower And A Pisa Pizza

Posted in Review / Travel

Since the Arno has silted itself up and cut the city off from the sea Pisa has become slightly off-kilter and a little seedy, but, that’s only my opinion of course. The decline of this once powerful naval city is noticeable, and I wonder how popular it would be if it did not boast such...

Drastic Remedial Action For The Honey Badger

Drastic Remedial Action For The Honey Badger

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries

Bi-carbonate of soda is my constant companion, wherever I go I have a good dose stashed near at hand. I don’t snort it, I take it with warm water to still my burning stomach. Indigestion burns like a white flame in my chest. The root cause. Stress. Anxiety. Anger. Disappointment. (one would...

Three Letters From Santiago

Three Letters From Santiago

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Insomnia. Lying here in my single bed, in our Spartan Nun’s cell in the former Convent on the square. I move my feet to feel the cold part of the starched white linen sheets. The thick ancient walls can’t keep the heat out, the muggy air does not stir. Our pilgrimage has come to an end. Lise and...

Solidago Santiago

Solidago Santiago

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

We’d heard on the grapevine that there would be thousands of Pilgrims flooding into Santiago de Compostello from all four corners of Europe. We had to make haste unless we were prepared to queue for hours waiting for our certification. Early it would be. I set our alarm for 4am at 5am we’d set...

Butch Bites The Bullet

Butch Bites The Bullet

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Like much in life, unless one is 100% committed to a task it is sure to be a failure or at worst a disappointment. I know that if asked 5 years ago whether he’d attempt to walk halfway across Spain Butch would’ve said “NO!” Unequivocally. The only reason he did it was because Anna (his...

Overweight Honey Badger Must Streamline

Overweight Honey Badger Must Streamline

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

The Honey Badger is on a crash diet. No more heavy metals. On the spur of the moment it was decided to weigh the truck and huge was the collective surprise when she came in weighing a few hundred kilogrammes over her recommended weight allowance. “How on earth can that happen?” you may well...

Big Butch Battles Bravely

Big Butch Battles Bravely

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Like two pom-pom girls we stood ready to welcome our Butch at Vigo airport. We caught a glimpse of him way down the passage coming through customs long before he spotted us. He looked exhausted, thin and quite pasty (and not at all like a Cornish pasty, rather, grey and pale) around the...

Vigo Splish Splash And Get Sun-Kissed

Vigo Splish Splash And Get Sun-Kissed

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

It’s raining. If one’s lucky to be there when the first drops fall you will get the smell of rain on dusty tar and it’s just amazing. In Redondela we took deep breaths of rainy air, it was heaven, but, not quite like our African rain, here we smell dust, dry grass, and the blue of water...

Kick-Ass Heroes For A Day

Kick-Ass Heroes For A Day

Posted in Review / Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Although we were quite content with each other’s company and had no need of hooking up with other Peregrinoes we did meet and chat to a father and son walking alongside us. The attraction was our feet of course. Flip flops! When I mentioned that St James would've approved we got a "touché"! One...

A Flip-Flopping Peregrino On Camino

A Flip-Flopping Peregrino On Camino

Posted in Review / Travel / Santiago de Compostello

My friend sent a photograph of her amazing knitted patchwork blanket, a gift to her grandson, the other day. I am in awe. You see, I started one too. Years ago. On all our wanderings I’d sit in the car and knit, miles of strips and squares I’ve done. Haphazard they are, not all exactly square,...

There's No Snoozin' With Susan

There's No Snoozin' With Susan

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Camping with my sister-in-law Sue is a treat. She’s organised and runs a tight ship. She has to, with her family of 3 plus 2, plus all the friends and extended family members who make themselves at home there. This whole mish-mash of friends, family and vreemdelinge (strangers) often accompany...

A Sucker For Punishment

A Sucker For Punishment

Posted in Review / Travel

Is exactly what I must be, when I agreed to repeat my 2016 performance of hiking the Fish River Canyon. Needless to say I couldn’t go back on my word so I saddled up the old back pack, loaded it with the bare essentials and set off on a nine day adventure to Namibia.  We would hike for five...

Lise, My Camino Compañero

Lise, My Camino Compañero

Posted in Travel / Musings / Santiago de Compostello

We have made it to Barcelos in one piece, a little bruised and battle weary. We could lament the state of our toes until the cows come home, but we’re braver than that. We'll dust overselves off and soldier on. I watch her sleep, always the sleep of the innocent, so quiet, not a snore, not...

Scoring 100% On Her First Test Drive

Scoring 100% On Her First Test Drive

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries

Our pet project, the Honey Badger lives up to all expectations and passes her first test drive with flying colours. She didn't put a gear out of place and with all the confidence in the world revved her engines and zoomed off at a top speed of 80kmph. I mistakenly said we were going on our...

Mood Swings, Puffy Feet and Cobblestones

Mood Swings, Puffy Feet and Cobblestones

Posted in Santiago de Compostello

Right from the start this day did not auger well.  Lise’s jet-lag was settling in nicely and with it came a few gremlins.  The madam she was moody, she’d lost the spring in her step. My bag felt a little heavier but my mood, I thought was quite chipper! Silence at breakfast.  Bad waymarks...

Board Not Bored Walking - Setting off

Board Not Bored Walking - Setting off

Posted in Santiago de Compostello

This I know is true. Just as we had to take those first uncertain steps into the unknown and blindly take one step at a time to do our Camino, I know that unless I type my first words and just get on with it I’ll never write our story. Simple as that. I have a very simple philosophy, it has...

Bon Camino  Peregrino - Introduction

Bon Camino Peregrino - Introduction

Posted in Santiago de Compostello

18 months ago I grabbed the bull by the horns and sent the family an invitation-slash-announcement. I was setting my sights on doing the Camino Portuguese before I turned 60 and they were welcome to join me. I knew if anyone would be up for it, it would be Lise. Just as well I put it out...

Picture Perfect Oporto

Picture Perfect Oporto

Posted in Travel / Santiago de Compostello

Four nights in Porto is all I could squeeze into my itinerary. My love for Portugal is a genetic thing. It’s not skin deep, I’m wired to love that slip of a Mediterranean country hemmed in by Spain on one side and the ocean on the other.  My aunt lived in a tiny fishing village south of...

We've got to talk about THAT

We've got to talk about THAT

Posted in Musings

I sigh, (I do that a lot when I’m sad or depressed) as I open the fridge door after weeks away. Not because it’s a shambles. It’s because we “save for rainy days”. Why do we do that? I look at the shrivelled carrots, the drooping celery sticks and the blackened fine green beans. As I drop...

Driving Dirt Roads, Dunes And Deserts

Driving Dirt Roads, Dunes And Deserts

Posted in Travel

Twenty years ago my life was a shambles. I was scared, insecure and I cried every day for almost 2 and a half years. I do believe I could’ve filled buckets with tears. Friends can only take so much. My best friends decided instead of writing me off they’d take me to Namibia. We’d celebrate my...

Five Fabulous Friends

Five Fabulous Friends

Posted in Musings

It was written in the stars that I would board a steam train and  shunt about  for two years, making my way from Nelspruit, across the Crocodile River wending my way from the Lowveld to Pretoria every term to attend  boarding school at Pretoria High School for Girls. With a quivering lip,...

The Honey Badger Shenanigans

The Honey Badger Shenanigans

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries

Hallo! It's been a while. I've not updated on the progress of our Honey Badger. I couldn't. Things weren't going as I thought they would. I had to dampen my enthusiasm and realise a few home truths. I am not in charge of this project. In my defence I did begin many scribblings but for...

Good, Better, Idiom

Good, Better, Idiom

Posted in Review

Packing up and traipsing all over the countryside is not the only way to relax after a busy year. We stayed at home. It was different, and, interesting. Our home was our base for making day trips. We lolled about at home as if we were sitting on the beach at Tofo, that’s where we were meant...

Bang! My Bubble Burst

Bang! My Bubble Burst

Like a shot in the dark. Unexpected, frightening and loud. That’s how 2017 set the standard. And look! A twelfth has almost gone, right before our very eyes. Fortunately I have no guilt feelings about not accomplishing one New Year’s resolution last year, I didn’t even try compiling a list for...

Don't Get Me Wrong

Don't Get Me Wrong

Posted in Musings

It’s been a busy month since my last scribbling, an exciting time it’s been too. On the day it rained I set off at the appointed hour, very early, to meet them at the airport. It was exciting. Rain. Soft, gentle, penetrating, misty rain. Enough to soak our scorched land. Not enough to break...

We Can Die Without Food

We Can Die Without Food

Posted in the book box

That’s a fact. We know it. They don’t, really. On this wall it’s a statement, a slogan, a cry for help, a prayer, but it’s also part of life.  SINETEMBA means HOPE "Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children,...

Surely Sundays Are Fun Days

Surely Sundays Are Fun Days

Posted in Travel

In all my born days I never thought I would say "whoopy! Sundays are fun days". I’m a boarder for goodness’ sakes.We loathe Sundays.Turn on a radio and I recall Esmè Everard’s distinctive lilt as she read messages from Mums and girlfriends on “Forces Favourites”. That's my cue to fall into...

On Doctor's Orders

On Doctor's Orders

Posted in Travel

Isn’t exactly how it all happened. Summer colds are really the pits, especially in spring. We were both bitten by a bug. Runny noses, sneezing, bunged up sinuses, laryngitis and an embarrassing gungy cough. Not bad enough to tempt one to pull a duvet over one’s head, but enough to make you...

Simple Summer Salads With A Twist

Simple Summer Salads With A Twist

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / Desserts / Salads / Fruit

When the sun beats down on the top of my head and I feel the need of a hat and sunnies know it’s time to dust off the platters and large salad bowls.  I find pleasure in digging in the napery drawer, flinging out the florals, stripes and coloured linens, the worn check napkins in shades of...

One Whale Wallows

One Whale Wallows

Posted in Review

Weekenders line the cliffs and choke up the paths in the Rep.of Hermanus. Spring break and it's chock-a-block.Traffic jams, long queues and exhausted officials are the order of the next 10 days. No matter where you were within a 1km radius of the Old Harbour you’d hear the screech of...

Drive By Shootings On Sunday Drives

Drive By Shootings On Sunday Drives

Posted in Review

Butch hadn’t had such a good day on Saturday. His Springboks lost to the All Blacks, the result was expected, but the shock of it still hits the solar plexus doesn’t it? What a shame. Sadly for them Saturday was the last straw and their last chance to impress. They’ve lost an ardent fan. To...

Fabulous Friends, Food And Frivolous Fun

Fabulous Friends, Food And Frivolous Fun

Posted in Musings

Was exactly how my weekend started. We’re born into families, some are single parent ones, adopted ones or traditional ones. We can't choose them,  friends are the people we pick along the way. People who intrigue and fascinate us, who we have something in common with or it’s the child you sit...

Tim's Trailer Makeover

Tim's Trailer Makeover

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries

Not my usual story about our Honey Badger, but, it’s about being motivated by the plan and execution that we have for our truck.Ours has been in the making for months and the end is not in sight. Yet. This one is a spur of the moment, “let’s get stuck in and get the job done job”. Typically...

Singing Ching-Ching It's Spring

Singing Ching-Ching It's Spring

Posted in Travel

I go ballistic every time Butch announces “It’s Summer!” (Like clockwork he does it every year on the 23rd June).My beady eyes give him dirty looks as I shiver and shake from the cold, but, I start watching the signs. And then. When he starts paying attention to the weather forecasts, reads...

Schatzie Goes Hands, Knees And Bump-Sa-Daisy

Schatzie Goes Hands, Knees And Bump-Sa-Daisy

Posted in Review / Travel

That’s exactly how I made my descent into the Fish River Canyon. Slowly, measured steps and oftentimes on my behind. I had no dignity as I squatted to slide down rocks. When did my legs shorten? It was after 55. The audience looking down must’ve rolled their eyes while they whispered...