Searching For The Perfect Brew(ery) - A Road Trip To Calgary

Searching For The Perfect Brew(ery) - A Road Trip To Calgary

Posted in Review / Travel

All work and no play is not a hard and fast rule with this crew.  They’re inclined to lean towards the sentiment that it makes Joe dull and kills innovation, invention and inspiration, or to be boringly predictable, which is an anomaly coming from an accountant, especially one who’s co-parenting...



Posted in Musings

My telephone ping-pinged, and my wristwatch vibrated. A message from Joe, he’d completed another work-out, got a badge and wanted to rub my nose it in, I thought. At least I’d cycled, I applauded myself while rolling my eyes.  He could be so irksome about my exercise regime.  I took a sneak...

 Lekkerwater Beach Lodge - Go With The Flow. Naturally.

Lekkerwater Beach Lodge - Go With The Flow. Naturally.

Posted in Review / Travel

In October, three things happened simultaneously; one was a belated birthday celebratory weekend away, and the other two were unexpected events I never dreamed possible. Like most surprises, my life turned topsy turvy overnight.  I had three days to prepare for a weekend away, a cooking class,...

Being Gobsmacked By Beauty - Nieuwoudtville And Biedouw Valley

Being Gobsmacked By Beauty - Nieuwoudtville And Biedouw Valley

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

In the grand scheme of things, three OMG’s in one day aren’t that bad, but, you see, I’m not that sorta gal.  But then again, I’m known to have a mouth on me.  My expletives were utterly spontaneous, what my eyes saw my mouth exclaimed before my brain had caught up. My most vivid memory of...

Exploring Van Rhynsdorp and Garies -  Unlocking The Door To Spring -

Exploring Van Rhynsdorp and Garies - Unlocking The Door To Spring -

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Maskam Guest Farm and Klipkraal Campsite. Day two of our blooming bonanza road trip started bright and breezy. But, we needed to get off the N7, the busy main artery from Cape Town to Namibia.   Blooms, still closed made splashes of colour, like a Jackson Pollock canvas,  on the verges...

Flower Power - Camping Around Namaqualand

Flower Power - Camping Around Namaqualand

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

TOP OF PIEKENIERSKLOOF - KARDOESIE CAMPSITE AND ON TO CLANWILLIAM My best memories of childhood holidays were waking up reluctantly at 4h00 on the morning of our departure.  Then we could get away with travelling the first bit in our PJ’s and being squashed up against my brothers, who...

Spring Shenanigans and Daisies with Honeyed Hearts

Spring Shenanigans and Daisies with Honeyed Hearts

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

TIPS AND TRICKS FOR  SUCCESSFUL FLOWERING IN NAMAQUALAND. Within a matter of hours, we had the Honey Badger packed, our bikes strapped on, our picnic basket brimming with delicious goodies, the fridge stocked, and meat in the deep freezer for six braais.  My tummy clenched and unclenched like...

Dessert The Winter Chills And Berry It

Dessert The Winter Chills And Berry It

Posted in Recipes / Desserts

No matter the occasion or the poshness of the menu, my eyes inadvertently always seek out the desserts. You might think I'm the spitting image of Queen Victoria and suggest I don't succumb to the desires of my sweet tooth.  I’ll skimp on starters and nibble on lettuce leaves but, don’t deny...

The Final Whispers of Winter – Recipes to charm

The Final Whispers of Winter – Recipes to charm

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / Meat Dishes / Salads

I can feel it in my bones; spring is in the air. I hadn’t forgotten the recipes for our warm get together with friends last week. I’m in a reflective mood today, reminiscing good times around the island in the kitchen. The cookery classes I attended and the meals my children and I had at home...

Fully Vaxxed We Celebrate Family, Friends and Firstborns

Fully Vaxxed We Celebrate Family, Friends and Firstborns

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / Fruit / Miscellaneous / Musings

I've raged against injustice, prayed with prayer sisters for healing, we’ve wept for the grieving and consoled friends, colleagues and acquaintances in mourning; we’ve given thanks for healing and been enthralled by those who’ve recovered, often miraculously. While we wait for these...

Clickety Clack Closer To Home

Clickety Clack Closer To Home

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Camping in Rawsonville - Goudyn - Stillewater on the Smalblaar River You might think it’s ridiculous to go away for the weekend, and all you do is go off to the next hamlet.  As soon as I step into our Honey Badger to spring clean and spruce it up, make my bed and pack my goodies into the...

Shell We Go West?

Shell We Go West?

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Exploring the West Coast National Park and Groenrivier. With the sun on our backs in the morning, we set off from Upington to Springbok. All along the Orange River aqua systems through vineyards, date palm plantations, water mills and the legendary Pink Padstal where stocking up on books,...

We're On The Bus Gus

We're On The Bus Gus

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

We had to fetch the Honey Badger in Upington. Our immediate thought was a rental car, but the logistics would be a nightmare. Flying was out of the question, too expensive.  Driving up in our car was not an option either; two vehicles on the road would be ridiculous, which left us with no...

Weekend Inspiration - Moroccan Soup With Spicy Beef Meatballs

Weekend Inspiration - Moroccan Soup With Spicy Beef Meatballs

Posted in Recipes / Meat Dishes / Soups

I’ve been preparing three meals a day for 43 years and counting.  There were days that I wished someone would tell me what they felt like for supper, or suggest a change in menu.  Inspiration is what we all need.  Some of the best meals were simple ones like a fresh, crispy  French loaf with...

The Week According To Weatherman Pete

The Week According To Weatherman Pete

Posted in Musings

Weatherwise, it doesn’t bode well in our neck of the woods. Forecasts have been on the nail lately.  Right now it's raining, which means there should be snowfalls again, pristine white landscapes are on the cards. Families that haven't had an opportunity to see snow or to play in the snow might...

 Ewe Herd We Explored The Kgalagadi?

Ewe Herd We Explored The Kgalagadi?

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Videos

We shrew did and Veareax eagle to meet you! I Gnu we’d have a fabulous time.  I haven’t felt the sun on my skin for days and feel cheetah'rd.  That’s the sort of thing I do when I’m cold.  With this thought, I decided to cheer myself up and click through some of my photographs of our recent trip...

Winning Winter Warmers When It's Welly Cold

Winning Winter Warmers When It's Welly Cold

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / Meat Dishes / Starters / Baking and Cakes

Recipes to warm your heart – Cinnamon Pancakes, Beetroot Risotto and Lamb necks on the braai. This quotation inspires today’s blog “Don’t think about making art, get it done.  Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.  While they are deciding, make even...

Revisiting An Old Favourite - Moggs Country Kitchen

Revisiting An Old Favourite - Moggs Country Kitchen

Posted in Review

It takes a vagabond to change the mind of someone who, for no apparent reason, renounced his enthusiasm or support.  At the time I was shocked!  Moggs Country Cookhouse, a favourite eatery in the Hemel and Aarde valley, was, for years, one of our regular watering holes.  We’d go there on a whim...

The Chase – Homeward Bound

The Chase – Homeward Bound

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings

There comes a time on every trip that one’s nose turns homeward bound.  In Afrikaans, one likens it to a spirited horse stopping in his tracks, cocking his head and galloping back to his stables.  Nothing can stop him when his head’s down.  Indomitable they are then. Our heads turned when...

Mediocrity Underwhelmed - Reader's Restaurant - Tulbagh

Mediocrity Underwhelmed - Reader's Restaurant - Tulbagh

Posted in Review

Creating a fine plate of food can be taught.  But, it’s something a chef or cook must be passionate about.  “I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.” Vincent van Gogh.  In a week, I experienced food prepared with zest and also the antithesis. According to Butch’s...

Wellies Or Winter Warmers -  A Trip To Lake Jozini

Wellies Or Winter Warmers - A Trip To Lake Jozini

Posted in Travel

I’m sitting here freezing, wondering how anyone can say, “I love winter!” I do get the crackling fire in the huge grate, which we don’t have, the red wine, which I don’t drink and the comfort food, which has settled around my waistline and will not budge.  At night  Butch and I wrestle to...

Head In The Clouds - At The Frame House

Head In The Clouds - At The Frame House

Posted in Review / Travel

Bosmans’ Wine and Protea Farm – Hemel en Aarde Valley. Sami-Joan suggested we take ourselves off to the Bosman Farm in the Hemel and Aarde valley for a Tapas lunch and wine tasting. She’s a foodie and loves her wine; I knew I could take her word for it.  We phoned immediately and were...

The Honey Badger Headlines - The Annual Moan Report

The Honey Badger Headlines - The Annual Moan Report

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries

Many a sailor or boat owner will attest to this truth.   Boats are dry docked for longer periods than they’re afloat.   Our darling Honey Badger never lets us down in that department either.  When the one problem is sorted, she springs a leak somewhere else.  I think she’s just...

From Mexico To Kathmandu

From Mexico To Kathmandu

Posted in Review / Recipes

Every sign and forecast pointed to a wet,  wintry weekend. Soon we had the wall heaters blazing, our non-skid socks and fleecy jumpers on.  We lay in late, dipping rusks into hot coffee, occasionally casting an eye outside.  At this rate, we’d spend the weekend in bed.  Nope, we needed to...

Let's Go Mexico

Let's Go Mexico

Posted in Recipes / Soups

The weather’s turning, and we need a quick fix. There’s no time to beat about the bush.  I’m ready and packed, just waiting for Butch to finish up at work.  Seeing as we’re in for a spell of cold weather, I thought I’d give you this quick recipe for a really good, simple chowder/soup. ...

Big B and Little B Go On Safari

Big B and Little B Go On Safari

Posted in Musings

This Kgalagadi trip was an experience for the books. During a recent weekend away, I realised how special it is to go on holiday with family, especially with one’s children and grandchildren. Butch’s greatest dream has always been to spend time with all our children, especially in the...

Fab Four Ride Again -  Kraalskloof Campsite - Slanghoek

Fab Four Ride Again - Kraalskloof Campsite - Slanghoek

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Glamping in the mountains My sister-in-law Sue needs no introduction, albeit to say she’s one tough cookie and doesn’t take no for an answer. Trouble came in the form of an email from the proprietress of a campsite she’d reserved for the weekend, situated on the banks of the Breede River. ...

Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup

Posted in Review / Travel

For the soul on a moody Monday as autumn bombards us in earnest. Monday’s are quiet days in our house.  The usual chores bring me down to earth, especially after an eventful weekend.  I enjoy the slow rumble of the old washing machine and the warmth emitted while our linens spin in the...

Death And Mourning In Times Of The Corona Virus

Death And Mourning In Times Of The Corona Virus

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings

Maybe it’s just me who dwells on death today as a photograph pops up on my screen, taken three years ago, before the unthinkable. One of my very best friends passed away and will never feature in another photograph. Technology and Social Media is our new memory keeper. ---oOo--- With...

A One Night Stand - Cremorne Holiday Resort - Port St John's - Fabulously Flamboyant

A One Night Stand - Cremorne Holiday Resort - Port St John's - Fabulously Flamboyant

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Tick list travel or dashing from one place to the next; doing over-nighters doesn’t do it for me; although, I do get it.  Sometimes there’s no option.   For me, travel is about exploring.  My curiosity about a place, its people, history, art, architecture needs in-depth investigation.  Before...

Wonderously Wild  – Mdumbi Backpackers

Wonderously Wild – Mdumbi Backpackers

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

ROADTRIPPING THE TRANSKEI is one of a few places that make me feel as if  I’m in another country.  The people are cool, the weather’s divine, the landscape so different from ours, even the history’s different. Due to various reasons and circumstances, many people find themselves...

Tranquil Transkei - Mazeppa Bay Revisited

Tranquil Transkei - Mazeppa Bay Revisited

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Promises made have to be kept. That’s a golden rule.  Melissa, our niece, took up a position as a Dietician at a rural hospital in the Transkei.  We applauded her for her decision to spread her wings, step out of her comfort zone and make a lifetime of memories.   At Christmas time in 2019,...

Searching For Magic Mushrooms - Hogsback - Eastern Cape Province

Searching For Magic Mushrooms - Hogsback - Eastern Cape Province

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

My Grandmama told me about the Hogsback. In the early 1930’s she’d haul my aunt, my Dad, a French nanny and a German wet nurse, by train from Cape Town and steam off during the hot summer months to sojourn in the cool, misty Eastern Cape Amatole mountains. In tow, her best friend, Margie...

Hoo-Ray It's holi-Yay!

Hoo-Ray It's holi-Yay!

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

There were a few weeks to go, before the summer holidays would break the monotony of 8 months under house arrest, while we continued enduring the lockdown.  Like a bolt of lightning on a summer’s day, a nephew and niece took up our holiday home for three weeks. They were determined to make...

Could be, Should be, Would Be. The Year that was  –  2020

Could be, Should be, Would Be. The Year that was – 2020

Posted in Musings

 – the very long and short of it. This is my retrospective of annus horribilis – the year that was 2020.  To approach it, I wriggle my fingers into kid gloves and swallow heaped spoons of political correctness. Kindness and empathy I have,  but, I also have a liberal sprinkling of...

Glamping in the Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park

Glamping in the Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Butch and I have never camped in a SANParks campsite. We prefer to stay off the grid or do wild camping as one does in Botswana and Zimbabwe.  Without a doubt, our favourite camps being Polentswa and Rooiputs on the Botswana side. This time we were putting SANParks to the test. The...

A Saffa Safari - A Road Trip To The Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park

A Saffa Safari - A Road Trip To The Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Do yourself a favour. Make a reservation, pack your tent and raid the pantry. Dust off the ammo boxes. When you've done all that grab a few T's, a pair of shorts and your favourite flip flops.  Don't forget last year's stretched and perished bather.  It will do. Believe me. Now, head off to...

My Fear of Failure - An Albatross

My Fear of Failure - An Albatross

Posted in The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings

The deadweight of the rotting Albatross I was lugging around was weighing me down. Day and night, I was consumed by fear, uncertainty and doubt.  Knowing I had no choice, my fate sealed. The reality; Butch's sight is compromised.  If we continue to believe that our retirement dream to travel...

Rainy Days And Sundays - Butternut Relish

Rainy Days And Sundays - Butternut Relish

Posted in Recipes / Vegetables / The Honey Badger Diaries

Inclement weather is expected to dry up in October. The rain running rivulets down the window panes as I type is a surprise. Shouldn’t be, you’d think, but, we’ve had such good weather for eight straight weeks, that I was ready to rip out the old bather to wallow in the shallows with...

Why Fly - Gifberg Holiday Farm

Why Fly - Gifberg Holiday Farm

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

I jolted, something wet was slowly snaking its way across my belly, gathering momentum as it slipped around to my back. We'd just returned, unpacked, and put the washing machine on heavy load, after a longish weekend, at the very remote GIFBERG HOLIDAY FARM near Van Rhyn'sdorp. I’d...