
Fab Four Ride Again -  Kraalskloof Campsite - Slanghoek

Fab Four Ride Again - Kraalskloof Campsite - Slanghoek

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Glamping in the mountains My sister-in-law Sue needs no introduction, albeit to say she’s one tough cookie and doesn’t take no for an answer. Trouble came in the form of an email from the proprietress of a campsite she’d reserved for the weekend, situated on the banks of the Breede River. ...

Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup

Posted in Review / Travel

For the soul on a moody Monday as autumn bombards us in earnest. Monday’s are quiet days in our house.  The usual chores bring me down to earth, especially after an eventful weekend.  I enjoy the slow rumble of the old washing machine and the warmth emitted while our linens spin in the...

Death And Mourning In Times Of The Corona Virus

Death And Mourning In Times Of The Corona Virus

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings

Maybe it’s just me who dwells on death today as a photograph pops up on my screen, taken three years ago, before the unthinkable. One of my very best friends passed away and will never feature in another photograph. Technology and Social Media is our new memory keeper. ---oOo--- With...

A One Night Stand - Cremorne Holiday Resort - Port St John's - Fabulously Flamboyant

A One Night Stand - Cremorne Holiday Resort - Port St John's - Fabulously Flamboyant

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Tick list travel or dashing from one place to the next; doing over-nighters doesn’t do it for me; although, I do get it.  Sometimes there’s no option.   For me, travel is about exploring.  My curiosity about a place, its people, history, art, architecture needs in-depth investigation.  Before...

Wonderously Wild  – Mdumbi Backpackers

Wonderously Wild – Mdumbi Backpackers

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

ROADTRIPPING THE TRANSKEI is one of a few places that make me feel as if  I’m in another country.  The people are cool, the weather’s divine, the landscape so different from ours, even the history’s different. Due to various reasons and circumstances, many people find themselves...

Tranquil Transkei - Mazeppa Bay Revisited

Tranquil Transkei - Mazeppa Bay Revisited

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Promises made have to be kept. That’s a golden rule.  Melissa, our niece, took up a position as a Dietician at a rural hospital in the Transkei.  We applauded her for her decision to spread her wings, step out of her comfort zone and make a lifetime of memories.   At Christmas time in 2019,...

Searching For Magic Mushrooms - Hogsback - Eastern Cape Province

Searching For Magic Mushrooms - Hogsback - Eastern Cape Province

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

My Grandmama told me about the Hogsback. In the early 1930’s she’d haul my aunt, my Dad, a French nanny and a German wet nurse, by train from Cape Town and steam off during the hot summer months to sojourn in the cool, misty Eastern Cape Amatole mountains. In tow, her best friend, Margie...

Hoo-Ray It's holi-Yay!

Hoo-Ray It's holi-Yay!

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

There were a few weeks to go, before the summer holidays would break the monotony of 8 months under house arrest, while we continued enduring the lockdown.  Like a bolt of lightning on a summer’s day, a nephew and niece took up our holiday home for three weeks. They were determined to make...

Glamping in the Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park

Glamping in the Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Butch and I have never camped in a SANParks campsite. We prefer to stay off the grid or do wild camping as one does in Botswana and Zimbabwe.  Without a doubt, our favourite camps being Polentswa and Rooiputs on the Botswana side. This time we were putting SANParks to the test. The...

A Saffa Safari - A Road Trip To The Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park

A Saffa Safari - A Road Trip To The Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Do yourself a favour. Make a reservation, pack your tent and raid the pantry. Dust off the ammo boxes. When you've done all that grab a few T's, a pair of shorts and your favourite flip flops.  Don't forget last year's stretched and perished bather.  It will do. Believe me. Now, head off to...

Why Fly - Gifberg Holiday Farm

Why Fly - Gifberg Holiday Farm

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

I jolted, something wet was slowly snaking its way across my belly, gathering momentum as it slipped around to my back. We'd just returned, unpacked, and put the washing machine on heavy load, after a longish weekend, at the very remote GIFBERG HOLIDAY FARM near Van Rhyn'sdorp. I’d...

My Namaqualand Journal - Madeliefie, Pietsnotjie, Katstertjie -

My Namaqualand Journal - Madeliefie, Pietsnotjie, Katstertjie -

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings

Every year at about this time a wayward uncle would stop over in his rusty, vintage Kombi, to stock up on fresh supplies, before setting off on his annual pilgrimage into the Namaqualand to paint.  My father-in-law would beckon him into his flat, stepping back from the front door, frowning...

Wandering Closer To Home - Slanghoek - Kraalkloof Camp

Wandering Closer To Home - Slanghoek - Kraalkloof Camp

Butch and his colleagues meet up in their library every morning for coffee. He says “sometimes we talk law, but, mostly, we just catch up and chat.” Everyone knows our story by now, and often good trip ideas are shared. Last week he was tipped-off about a camping spot on a farm in the...

Beauty Is All Around Us  - Overberg Daytrip

Beauty Is All Around Us - Overberg Daytrip

Posted in Travel

“Let’s pack up our troubles and go day trippin’,” said good lookin’. Every week has its minor challenges, and last week didn’t disappoint.  I have had wheels under my bum since I turned 18. Ten days without a car is something to get your head around.  Not that I minded. We’ve managed to empty...

Around The World With A Wooden Spoon And Spatula

Around The World With A Wooden Spoon And Spatula

Posted in Recipes / Meat Dishes / Desserts / Soups / Drinks and Beverages / Travel

Pfft, to armchair travel we might think.  For the foreseeable future, it’s a new reality whichever way we look at it. The thought of not travelling is like telling a ladybird she may not save her children burning in their house. Dreadful. Unthinkable. Depressing. Every morning I throw back...

Still Wandering - Gatsrivier Guest Farm

Still Wandering - Gatsrivier Guest Farm

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

With dust billowing in our wake, we made our way from the Tankwa farmstall back onto the main road (a 70km detour, I was told) to continue our meanderings in search of peace.  The road north became quieter, and farmsteads became fewer. In the Karoo, sustainable farming can only be on vast tracts...

Wandering into the future – Matroosberg Nature Reserve

Wandering into the future – Matroosberg Nature Reserve

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

It's no use crying over spilt milk. We’ve had our chips, and now we must suck it up and move on, without the help or approval of the government, closed borders or the WHO. Our lives are still in our hands. What we do with the situation takes some creative thinking and a will to do something...

Honey Badgers Don't Hibernate

Honey Badgers Don't Hibernate

I stopped laughing.  My one redeeming attribute is that I enjoy a good laugh, some start deep in my belly, others I try to suppress as they tickle my spirit, but, on the whole Butch and I enjoy a good old fashioned chortle.  When did merriment leave us?  Sometime, I can’t pinpoint, probably...

Breakfast Inspiration - BIRCHER

Breakfast Inspiration - BIRCHER

Posted in Recipes / Fruit / Miscellaneous / Travel

Sometimes we all need a little inspiration. I find we slip into a routine very quickly especially when it’s just Butch and I. Every meal is just a repetition of the day before as we’re both busy and meals at home just serve their nutritional purpose. Keeping us sustained and hopefully healthy....

Gifting Memories - La Colombe and Kleinbosch Kloof

Gifting Memories - La Colombe and Kleinbosch Kloof

Posted in Review / Travel

A few years ago we decided to invite a grand-daughter on a camping weekend to Prince Albert. It was an opportunity to get to know her better and for her to experience some of the things we enjoy. As luck would have it, it was the very weekend of the Olive Festival so we had much to explore...

Weekend Meander to MIDDELPOS

Weekend Meander to MIDDELPOS

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Pompelompie Hartklop (Heartbeat) Festival. The heart of the Karoo beats in its people. They are a hardened community, resilient and steadfast in their faith and in the land. Here every person is worthy. So, one fine day Butch comes along and suggests we go on a road trip to Middelpos. I’d...

Lets Hit The Road Jack - YZERFONTEIN

Lets Hit The Road Jack - YZERFONTEIN

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

My beloved knew I’d be emotionally drained after our glorious six weeks in Onrus with the family.  This was my weekend to be spoilt, almost an early Valentine’s treat.  He made a reservation at the Yzerfontein Caravan Park for the weekend and secured a lovely campsite using the camp layout on...

Windy Weekend Weather Wolseley

Windy Weekend Weather Wolseley

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

It’s often hard to believe there was a life before a disaster. Fortunately there is. Our memories eventually only remember the good things in life as bad thoughts are laid to rest along the wayside. And then life goes on and soon we say “life is good”! So before the great debacle and...

2nd November A Day To Remember

2nd November A Day To Remember

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

It would’ve been my Grandmama, Joe Knight’s birthday. Born on the 2nd November, 1906. She would’ve been a ripe old age (113), but, would she have been proud of our rugby team? Absolutely. Oftentimes I wish she could’ve witnessed and experienced our Rainbow nation in action, especially when all...

Making Memories In Montagu

Making Memories In Montagu

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

As we get older we enjoy celebrations. Could it be that they’re becoming scarcer as we attend more funerals than parties these days? Fortunately we were on our way to a birthday braai and would camp in beautiful Montagu with its heritage homes, large properties, channelled water, quaint...

A Knight's Stay - Somerset West

A Knight's Stay - Somerset West

Posted in Review / Travel

It’s hereditary, this thing that I don’t do sleep overs. I prefer sleeping in my own bed with my own ancient down pillow. That’s the first thing that comes to mind when I have to sleep out, my pillow. The other is packing all my toiletries. I inevitably forget something at home. This time it...

Seven Sticks Of Wood And A Block Of Blitz

Seven Sticks Of Wood And A Block Of Blitz

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

No final destination was the plan. said it would be the worst weekend to go camping. I checked daily, which is very unusual, to see whether the weather would improve. Not a chance. We’d not have our spirits dampened by a drizzle so we packed up and went off to see some spring blooms...

Winter Wining And Dining Winners

Winter Wining And Dining Winners

Posted in Review / Travel

One Restaurant did leave a bad taste in our mouths. Their food is mouth watering, their communications shocking. More about them later. Let’s move on. Should I ever complain about anything, just roll your eyes. I know, life is a bed of meringue, sugar and spice. . I am spoilt and...

Safari On Super Suppers And Snacks

Safari On Super Suppers And Snacks

Gosh it’s been a long time since I’ve felt that spring in my step. A new shop opened in town, Nibbly Bits. As the name suggests they stock all sorts of delicious nibbly bits. I went all out and got us some treats. After my spree I met up with friends en-route to Prince Albert in the Karoo and...

Tips And Tricks For Camping, Overlanding Or Roadtripping

Tips And Tricks For Camping, Overlanding Or Roadtripping

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Musings

Every trip has its unique challenges and it’s impossible to plan for every eventuality especially when space is of the essence. African roads are often bad, always take that into account. Here are some of the things I learned on this trip. 1. Less is more.2. When catering have a menu. Some...

Mabuasahube - The Pecking Order

Mabuasahube - The Pecking Order

Posted in Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

At last we were ready to enjoy ten days of doing absolutely nothing. That's what dreams are made of... a real holiday. The wonder of Mabuasahube. All we do is wonder what’s next. Shrug. Shake your head.  Nothing. We just wait and see. No expectations. But, there is always the promise of a...

The Fab Four Conquer The Kalahari - En Route to Mabuasahube

The Fab Four Conquer The Kalahari - En Route to Mabuasahube

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Best friends, best buddies, best Boetie (brother) and hiekkelsuster (crochet companion) that’s what Percy and Sue are to us. It’s rare to hear siblings, at our age, actually like each other and choose to spend time together. We do. We’re close, companionable, comfortable and cosy. The...

My Many Miles To Mabuasahube

My Many Miles To Mabuasahube

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

Plus many hours practicing MA-BU-A-SA-HU-BE and for successfully playing the sympathy card. But first we rendezvous at Melton Wold in the Karoo. Planning a trip on short notice is very exciting. From the moment we decided, (during one of our long boozy lunches) that we needed a quick getaway...

Who Let The Dogs Out?

Who Let The Dogs Out?

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

And what's more in the Kalahari to boot! So, there we were, minding our own business watching another beautiful African sunset, contemplating the day, sipping drinks when a Land Cruiser came hurtling up our road in a billowing cloud of dust.  My stomach lurched and I do confess I felt...

The Story Of My Crochet Blanket

The Story Of My Crochet Blanket

Posted in Travel / Musings

I dread coming home, not the actual being home, but the flight, it scares the living daylights out of me. I am a wreck, no custom official leaves me be, I will always be the lucky one to be “randomly checked”, scrutinized and frisked. Do I really look like a drug-couriering-terrorist I wonder, do...

"Maricha!  Where have you been?"

"Maricha! Where have you been?"

Posted in Review / Travel / Musings

It’s Monday the 8th July, 2019 and will be the very first time I open my laptop to scroll down to Word to take up my keyboard once again and write. It’s been a while. I hope my words don’t let me down after all these months. I opened this scribbling written while in Canada and thought it a...

Bonnievale River Lodge And White Linen Camping

Bonnievale River Lodge And White Linen Camping

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries / Videos

Sometimes the end of a story is the story.  Our stay in Bonnievale is a classic case where a mishap could make or break one's enjoyment of the moment . We have friends who are Swallows, in other words they spend six summer months in South Africa before migrating back to the UK to spend...

18 Fabulous Things To Do in April

18 Fabulous Things To Do in April

Posted in Review / Travel / Musings

These are my 18 fabulous things to do in April. Winter is not my favourite season so I need to have a few highlights to look forward to. For some reason a lot of eating goes into this list, will have to curb my enthusiasm! It is also time to prune and do some maintenance work before we have...

To Arniston With A Surfboard

To Arniston With A Surfboard

Posted in Review / Travel / The Honey Badger Diaries

The Southern Cape must boast the best weather. For some reason autumn has come early this year, I can’t remember ever experiencing three weeks of inclement weather in February/March. We packed up our Honey Badger in the hope of sunshine and perfect waves. Arniston is a gem. As a young girl...

12  Fun Things To Do During A Wet Spell

12 Fun Things To Do During A Wet Spell

Posted in Review / Recipes / Vegetables / Miscellaneous / Travel / the book box

Here are my 12 fun things to do during a wet spell. Bragging rights in the car industry are earned when your new VW outguns the competition and goes from 0-60 in 2 seconds. Our summer went from balmy sunshine days to cloudy and wet overnight and kept Autumn up for 7 days.  All of a sudden we had...